
permarital counseling, sexual attitudes , physiology and technique, planning, testing; use of the Taylor Johnson as related to readiness for marriage. Laboratory fee: $5. PSY 532 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING (3) Various counseling techniques related to marital maladjustments. Typical marriage and family problems including communication, roles, sexual dysfunctions . Demonstrations and observations of counseling sessions each semester. Reality therapy, conjoint family therapy, contract therapy. PSY 533 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (3) Effects of interpersonal relations within the family upon personality development in children and adolescents. Problems related to abnormal development stressed. PSY 534 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (3) Effects of interpersonal relations with marriage, vocations , and society upon development during early and late adulthood. Problems of aging and social change in marriage. Field trips. PSY 535, 536 PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING (3, 3) Supervised counseling experience in professional counseling centers. Prerequisite: completion of 26 units and consent. Offered on pass/ fail basis. PSY 537 TREATMENT OF SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONS (3) Major theories and treatment modalities related to sexual dysfunctions in marriage. Prerequisite: 533. PSY 538 FAMILY COMMUNICATIONS PATTERNS (3) Various styles and communication systems employed by families, and the effects of such patterns upon interpersonal development. PSY 571 READINGS IN MARRIAGE AND FAMILY {1-3) Opportunity for extensive library research and study in a specific area of marriage and family dynamics supervised by a faculty member. Course may be a precursor to 580. Prerequisite: consent. PSY 580 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-3) Research related to marriage, family and child counseling, under guidance leading to the proposal, production, and presentation of a thesis or thesis project in marriage, family and child counseling. May be taken in place of Practicum 536. Prerequisite: completed 36 units.


Discussion and research related to integration of biblical teaching and marriage, family , and child counseling. Special attention given to Proverbs, the Gospels, Epistles, and doctrinal issues in light of current marriage and family problems. PSY 507, 508 PRE-PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING (1 ,1) Pre-Practicum training through personal observation and growth group experience. Students will be advised of legal and ethical expectations placed upon them as marriage , family, and counseling trainees. Offered on pass/ fail basis. PSY 509 ABNORMAL PERSONALITY (3) Nature and causes of reactions to social, psychological, and biological stress, faulty development, and disease: including neuroses, psychoses, personality disorders, and affective

disorders as they relate to family and marriage. PSY 511 PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING (3)

Major theories of personality and psychological measurement. Training in administration and interpretation of M.M.P.I., C.P.I. , and other major tests for use in marriage, family, and child counseling. Prerequisite: Psy 306, 411. Laboratory fee: $5. PSY 518 PSYCHOTHERAPY (3) Consideration of a developmental model of helping, including empathy training; practical and theoretical elements of transactional analysis, gestalt, rationale emotive, and client centered therapies. Case presentations required. PSY 522 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT COUNSELING (3) Techniques of diagnosis, understanding personal dynamics , and application of counseling techniques to children and adolescents. PSY 526 GROUP COUNSELING (3) Overview of variety of group experiences, consideration of composition of groups , group process, group dynamics, curative factors , the leader, contracts. Observation of and participation in group experience required. PSY 531 PREMARITAL COUNSELING (3) Various techniques, content, and resources involved in


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