
embryology, research literature, student discussion and analysis of experimental design. Laboratory emphasizing chick embryology, gametogenesis, microtechnique, system physiology, metamorphosis, and directed experimentation. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 312, 322. Alternate years, offered 1979-80. 440 TOPICS IN ADVANCED BIOLOGY (2) One section offered each year upon sufficient demand. Course may be repeated with different content (section title). Endocrinology Concepts of neurosecretion, hormone actions , and the endocrine regulation of human physiology. Prerequisite: 111. Entomology Identification, taxonomy, biology and economic importance of insects, Prerequisite : 110 or consent. Marine Ecology Observation and field experimentation with marine organisms. Collection and analysis of ecological data using underwater techniques. Prerequisites: 352 and SCUBA certificat ion. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Laboratory fee $20.00. Offered on sufficient demand. Microbiology Indepth studies in mycology, immunology, microbial physiology, microbial genetics and research. Prerequisites: 211 and consent. Microscopy Theory and application of bright field , dark field, phase contrast, polarizing, scanning and transmission microscopes. Preparation techniques of biological materials for, and observation with electron microscopes emphasized. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 111, 312.

Ornithology Systematics, distribution , physiology, behavior and ecology of birds. Field identification emphasized. Prerequisite: 110 or

consent. Laboratory Fee $20.00. 450 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3)

Literature and laboratory research of a specific subject or technique in biology ; advanced students gain experience in experimental design, laboratory investigation , and technical writing. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 units. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing and consent one semester in advance. 452 ADVANCED FIELD BIOLOGY (4) Plants and animals in their natural habitat; emphasis given to taxonomy, morphology, and population dynamics. Summer only. May be substituted for 401. Not open to those who have taken 252. Laboratory Fee $20. 00. 460 PREMED PRACTICUM (1) Professionally supervised observation, demonstration, and study in a local medical or dental facility. Introduction to health care philosophies, hospital and patient routines, personnel, instrumentation, and specific treatment practices. Case study and research paper required. Thirty hours of observation. Prerequisite(s) : 312 and petition filed with Pre-Medical Advisory Committee a semester prior to enrollment. 470 SEMINAR IN ADVANCED BIOLOGY (1) Literature research followed by oral presentation , group discussion, and evaluation; independent thought and study strzssed. May be repeated for maximum of two units of credit. Open to Biology majors only.


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