King's Business - 1927-09

SI.25 a year m U. S

Volume 18—‘Number 9 25 cents a copy

$1.50 foreign



I u/ill lift up mine eyes unto the hills , from whence comet h my helpJ My help Cometh from the Lord , which made heaven and earth .— Psa . ¡ 21 : 1*2 I A Summer Snapshot in 'll the Alps.—Herbert Photo, jj

pmSwBjf 1

By Developing a StrongRichVoice More than 20,000men and women all over the country have developed powerful, beautiful voices by Physical Voice Culture. You, too, can build up a strong, magnetic, com­ pelling voice that will be the marvel of your friends, and your key to success and fame.

Read the letters on this page frommen and women who havemade their dreams come true by this wonderful, scientific method of voice culture. You can continue your pres­ ent occupation and mode of life while you study inyour own home —and the cost is nominal — only a very sm all amount each month as you study. brovement It makes no difference whether you wish to improve your voice for your own pleasure or fo r professional singing. The man or woman sing­ ing in the home—the opera or con­ cert singer—the choir singer—all canimprove their voices 100%, atthe very least,byPhysicalVoice Culture. W e absolutely guarantee 1 0 0 % improvement or your tuition will be gladly refunded. You alone a re to be the judge.

Gives Physical Voice Culture Credit for Grand Opera Voice Each 24 hours brings me a stronger and better hold on my voice. I feel like telling you of it each day when I think back to six years ago when catarrh had just about finished my hearing and voice. I joined the Los Angeles Opera Company this Spring and wewill have five Operas ready in September. It is reallypatheticto see the starpupils fromthe greatvoice masters try for a place in the Company. Some very" pretty, but weak, palate attacks, throat and lip attacks. I work hard all day and your silent exercises are & wonderful rest.—Bert Longtre.

Harry Lompierre Finds the “Right Way” I wish to give credit where « w s - credit is due. The past twelve ¡ j |||i years have been spent in pro- fessional singing.


Believing that I had at last found “the right way,” I cancelled an mtsrl i r d » ° t gyour w S Today my voice is completely new. Formerly, I could oing only a fair ‘‘.F” (fifth line). .Now I can sing high B” flat, with a rich, reso- nant, manly tone. —Harry Lorn-

— I

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....... —

Church Singer Delights Congregation I cannot help but say “ Thank God” for everything you have done for me. A s I sang in church yesterday people turned to

see who was singing.



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I hope you will always think of me as one who has made a big Buccess m

pierre. the work 1 chose to do.—Carolyn Baker. fo r obvious reasons the names signed to these letters have been changed. Bat the letters are all true and the real names o f writers will be sent on request. ______ InspiringBookNowFBE .■■■■■■■■■ m o J C m m .hsv*> f Singer Triumphs Over Perfect Voice Institute, Studio ss-is i j e i iU L ,OU pO tl i rv ___ I 1920 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago, ill. ■ f D iscouragem ent Please send me, FREE and without any obligation, P rof. Feuch- ■ The coupon win bring V®M ^ B you think one year ago that I would now be singing tinker’s new book, “Physical Voice Culture.” I have checked the S FREE c o w of PhysicaM^oice as high as high C”? I am very sure that I dtdn t. subject in which I am most interested. ■ on voice building. Do not hesi- I often think of that hopeless first letter I wrote to you □ Weak Voice □ Stammering a , , , ask for ¡t jt is FREE and I want to thank you for the help you have given me d Singing a Speaking . and need not be returned. This and especially for the cheering ietters at the beginning may be the first step in a great when I needed boosting along the worst way. Name ------------------------------------------------------------------«g- - ■ career for you. Send the cou- Hoping that you will believe me to be ever your grate- Address ! p o n T O D A Y I ful friend.—Mrs. Mary Brown. ^ra — •r 7 ~n^rzr 'TZZZ : PerfectVoice Institute, 1920 I S 8*6.*ve'’Chicago -’



“The best plan we have ever tried” “Delighted with the way the calendars sell” Churches, E lated with the Results, Unanimbusly Praise the Calendar Plan

Bible Stories for Little Folk B y Edna B. Rowe

Our Christian Service Calendar has proved a great boon to the many churches that have used it to raise funds for the work. Church and Bible- school workers grow enthusiastic over their suc­ cess. They are surprised at what little effort it takes to sell the calendar, how quickly their first order for fifty or one hundred copies increases to three, four and often five hundred calendars. Unequaled as Yet There are many attractive plans offered for rais­ ing church funds, but of them all we have yet to find one that proves so satisfactory as our calendar proposition. It is easy to understand the reason why. H ie Christian Service Calendar possesses the two requisites that make any article readily salable. It fills a real practical need, and it has an artistic and inspirational value that appeals strongly to our innate love for beauty. A third taking feature is its low price. Thought, tim e and money are spent each year to make the Christian Service Calendar the choicest Scriptural calendar to be found anywhere. The one for 1928 is genuinely beautiful. Plockhorst’s re­ nowned painting, “ The Good Shepherd,” has been selected to illustrate the front cover, and twelve other equally famous subjects the inside pages. Their beauty can be gathered, in a degree, from the ones we have reproduced in this circular. All are richly colored and strikingly attractive. The other special features are: An unusually fine selection of Scripture texts that supply an uplifting and helpful thought for each day; the subjects of the Interna­ tional Sunday-school lessons for the entire year, with their Golden Texts; the Senior and Junior 0. E. topics and the sayings of Jesus in red letters for each Wednesday. Sure of Success Are you looking for a positively successful way to raise money for your church work? A way that will be agreeable and easy, and where the article you sell w ill be worth several times the price you ask for it? Then, by all means, try ours.' We offer you very liberal terms and a plan that has been thoroughly tested. Thousands upon thousands of our calendars are sold each year through church organizations, and we have letter after letter on file praising the beauty of the calendar and testifying to the pleas­ ure and profit to be had in helping to supply homes with an article of so great religious and inspira­ tional a nature. An Early Start Pays Why not decide right now that you and the other members of your church and Bible school shall be the ones to secure its sales in your neighborhood? All that you need to arouse the interest of your cbworkers is to_ send for a copy of the calendar. Once they see it you w ill have their enthusiastic co-operation. While the members of other churches are thinking they w ill sell it, why don’t you begin right now to do it? We are prepared to ship the calendars to you any time_ you say. You w ill find that in this enterprise, as in every other, it pays to be first in the field. SEND 30 CENTS FOB A SAMPLE.

Bible stories are the most fascinating stories all literature, and a good teller of Bible stor is one of the most influential and useful pers in all the world. M iss Rowe is a genius in art of telling stories to children. Contains : pages; forty-four illustrations, in multi-col'o “This book will delight every child into wh hands it comes, or who has the stories read to ] by mother or teacher. The old, old stories are 1 in such an interesting way that they can not fa i please .”— The Sunday School World. “These stories emphasize the finest traits of ch acter and are so beautifully, but simply, told t they are sure to wield an influence in shaping the tore of the children who hear them .”— Lillie A. Fa Oloth. Price, $1.50. Scripture Text Post-cards Series 349. Scripture text cards are appropri for every season. This series is done in exquu colors. Five designs. Price, per dozen, 20c.; 100, $1.25.

Beautifully printed in six colors. Size, 10 x 15 inches

Our CHRISTIAN SERVICE CAL­ ENDAR p ro v id e s the w ay for your church o rgan iza tion to easily make from $ 2 5 ,0 0 to $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 . Hundreds o f societies have made more • SPECIAL PRICES TO CHURCHES Note carefully the third column. It is the one that w ill interest you most. Sell Tor Cost Profit 5 Calendars.___ . $1.50 $1.25 $0.25 10 Calendars------.. 3.00 2.30 .70 25 Calendars__ _ . 7.50 5.25 2.25 50 Calendars....... .. 15.00 9.50 5.50 100 Calendars.___ . 30.00 17.00 13.00 200 Calendars........1 60.00 32.00 28.00 300 Calendars___ . 90.00 45.00 45.00 500 Calendars.___ .150.00 70.00 80.00 Single copy, 30 cents. An important fact to remember: The CHRISTIAN SERVICE CALENDAR makes an ideal Christmas gift— attractive, inexpensive and useful.

Series 485. A beautiful new series of five signs. Printed in colors. Scripture texts and lustrations harmonize. This series has been ci fully planned. Nothing finer ever offered in type of post-cards. Per dozen, 20c.; per 100, $1

tatpt mh pi t t t


(Jei^TiFicflTe -p Jll^O(DOTIOt>.

SERIES 1 Series 1. Size, 12% x 15% inches; 60o. a dozen. Each certificate is embellished w ith an appropriate Biblical! picture. The printing is executed in six col­ ors. The soft colors embody a tone and a richness which w ill please the most exacting taste. No. 320.— Cradle Roll Certificate. Picture of mother bird feeding young. Furnished in blue back­ ground for girls, pink for boys. No. 321.— Cradle Roll to Beginners. Design, ap­ ple blossoms, w ith Murillo’s “ D ivine Shepherd** pic­ ture interwoven. No. 322.— Beginners to Primary. Decorative flow­ er design, w ith picture, “ Christ B lessing L ittle Chil­ dren.* * No. 823.— Primary to Junior. Picture, “ Hof­ mann’s Head— The B oy Christ.’* Background de­ sign, water lilies. No. 324.— Junior to Intermediate. Design, w is­ teria, w ith picture, “ David.** No. 825.— Intermediate to Senior. Picture, “ The Call to D iscipleship,“ w ith decoration of iris. Pic­ ture, “ The Man Christ.** No. 326.— General Promotion Certificate. Decora­ tive flower design. Suitable for any department in the school.

Bible and Nature Pictures

SERIES S Series 8. Size, 9% x 12% inches; 40c. a dozen.

Promotion Certificates Series 2 . Card Farm. Size, 5 x 6 % inches; 45c. a dozen. As there has been an insistent call for a series of small Promotion Certificates, no further apology is nec- ary for the producing of this unique line. Each Card Certificate is enclosed in an envelope. Each certificate in the series w ill be prized very highly by the recipient, as it can be preserved. The ge certificates are seldom, if ever, framed, and for this reason the demand for a small certificate has sen. This series is produced in multi-colors by the highly popular offset process. Same designs as in ries 1. Form 341.— Cradle Roll Card Certificate. Picture of mother bird feeding young. Furnished in blue back- Mind for girls, pink for boys. Form 342.— Cradle Roll to Beginners Promotion Card Certificate. Design, apple blossoms, with Murillo’s )ivine Shepherd’’ picture interwoven. Form 343.— Beginners to Primary Promotion Card Certificate. Decorative flower design, w ith picture, fhrist Blessing Little Children. ’’ Form 344.— Primary to Junior Promotion Card Certificate. Picture, “ Hofmann’s Head— The Boy rist.” Background design, water lilies. Form 345.— Junior to Intermediate Promotion Card Certificate. Design, wisteria, with picture, *‘Da- Form 346.— Intermediate to Senior Promotion Card Certificate. Picture, “ The Call to Discipleship,” ;h decoration of iris. Form 347.— General Promotion Card Certificate. Decorative flower design. Suitable for any depart- ut in the school. The daintiness of floral designs, the perfect blending of soft tints, the execution of offset process in warm dti-colors, the carefully chosen series of Biblical illustrations— all tend to make this new “ Standard** *ies a popular line. High in quality, low in price. Recipients w ill want to preserve these charming certifi­ es. No. 359. Cradle Roll Certificate. No. 362. Primary to Junior. No. 360. Cradle Roll to Beginners. No. 363. Junior to Intermediate. No. 361. Beginners to Primary. No. 364. Intermediate to Senior. 365. General Promotion Certificate. (No. 865 is suitable for grade to grade or department to department.)

Size, 10 % x 12 . inches, in beautiful colors. only in sets. Set No. 1. Twelve nature and four B ible pictures. Price, 75 cents. Set No. 2. Fourteen nature and ten B ible pic­ tures. Price, $1.25. Set No. 3. Four nature and twenty Bible pictures. Price, $1.25. Set No. 4. Twenty-four B ible pictures. Price, $1.25. Set No. 5. Fourteen nature and six B ible pic­ tures. Price, $1.00. Set No. 6. Ten nature and ten B ible pictures. Price, $1.00. Set No. 7. Twenty B ible pictures. Price, $1.00. Sol'd

From a Satisfied Annu itan t

L ife A n n u ity R a tes Age Rate 30-34... .... 4 35-39.... .... 4}£% 40-44.... .... 5 % 45-49.... .... 5%%', 50-54.... .... 6 % 55-59.... .... 6%% 60-64.... .... 7 % 65-69.... .....7%% 70-74.... .... 8 % 75-79.... ...*ü*i 80-84.... .... 9 % 85-89... 1.... 9&%

Our Booklet AA d e s c r ib in g th i s m o s t satisfactory fo rm o f investm en t w ill be gladly sent on application. Ju s t cu t ou t th e c o u p o n an d forward i t to u s w i th your name and address p la in ly w ritten .

B ib le I n s titu te o f L o s A n g e le s 536-558 So. H o p e S tre e t L o s A n g e le s, C alif. G en tlem en : P le a s e sen d m e, w ith o u t o b lig a tio n , y o u r B o o k le t AA c o n c e r n in g “A n n u ity In com e A g r e e m e n ts.”

Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

N a m e -

A ddress.

“This BookWill CreateaSensation"

—so says the manager of Biola Book Room


A C onv inc ing A n sw e r to E vo lu tion an d R a t io n a l ism In an In ten se ly In teres ting S tory Form Thrilling from start to finish. This is a Story Book for the times.

Pathos, humor, logical ar-. gument and p l e n t y of thrills, all blended in one story. The very thing for a gift book for all young people of today or anyone with in­ tellectual difficulties con­ cerning the Faith. It will appear in attractive binding to b e . sold at the popular price 50c in order to give it wide circulation.

The King’s^Business will offer this book as its holi­ day premium with each full year g ift1 .'subscription, or new subscription. Those entitled .to it may have it sent to any address. You can make $1.25 buy two valuable gifts. Watch these columns for further information about holiday offer.

It’s the story of what happened in a church when a rationalistic pastor got the reins. A question- box service ' results in a young -woman casting away her Bible.. She is later rescued ©from the hands of white-slavers. H e r dying testimony given during re­ vival meetings in the s a me church, from which the modern­ ist pastor had fled, resulted in many conversions. The new pas­ tor finds the question slips used by the former pastor and con­ ducts another such meeting, an­ swering the same questions, from the Scriptures. Exciting argu­ ments between church members intersperse the story, cleverly weaving in the stock arguments of evolutionists and bringing out the true answers.



T h e K i n g ’s B u s i n e s s Motto: “I, the Lord, do\eep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will \eep it night and day Isaiah 2 TA PUBL ISH ED MONTHLY BY AND R E PR E S E N T IN G THE B IBLE IN S T ITU T E OF LOS ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Chief K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor Vo lum e XVIII September, 1927 Number 9

Table of Contents EDITORIALS


BOARD OF DIRECTORS BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J. M. I rvine ,. President H oward F rost , Vice-President J. M. R ust , Treasurer C. E. F uller , Secretary C. A. Lux; Asst. Secretary H. B. E vans A. A ddison M axwell A lexander M ac K eigan N athan N ewby W illiam H azlett M rs . L yman S tewart ■ D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean C harles E. 11 uri . burt , '• Superintendent J. P. W elles , W m . A. F isher , Assts. to: Supt. Terms: $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs of 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred, magazine. Remittance: Should be made hy Bank Draft, Express or P. O. ’Money Order, payable to the “Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be •sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts: T h e . K i n g ' s Business cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it. for consideration. Change of Addresses : Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date of desired change.

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter , Secretary of Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S. P earce , . Secretary Cor. School R ev . A lbert E. K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell 'M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E. H urlburt ' C hristian M. B ooks ’ P rof . A lfred A. B utler Miss; M arie C arter M iss F lorence C haffee R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H. W. K ellogg M iss R u . th W alter P rof . H. G. T ovey ; P rof . J. B. T rowbridge y Miss C harlotte L. W oodbriege H. W. B oyd , M. D. R ev . G eorge E. R aitt ( M rs ,; A lma K. Moss'.j P rof .. R aymond C onner D. W.' M ac M illan , M.D. . B. G. P inkerton , M.D. F. J ean H olt , M.D. Advertising: For information with reference to advertising in The King’s Business, address the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa:, or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D. H. W. F rahm , D.D.S.

The Ideal Christ—.................................. -----...........543 Candlesticks of Gold............:........................-...... - 543 Heaven on Earth .....................-— ............... -.--. 544- Forgiving'tand Forgetting ..................................—544 Tempest in a Teapot.— ...............»........................545 Is God Interested .... -.................... -.......546 Love Lifts - ........ -............r.....—v......... -....... 546 Sanctioning of Free Love by the Church.............546 Editorial Flashlights ,..........................—......... .....548 * * * ARTICLES A Breeze From Snow-Capped Mountains IH—Rev. John Wood.............. 549 The Book That. Makes One Great M —Rev. William H. Pike...................— ■.......... 551 The. Christ Who LaboredS-A. Z. Conrad.......... 552 Spiritual Hymns—A Vital Influence B H P ro f. John Bissell Trowbridge....—......,.— 553 Christlikeness—The Believer’s Supreme Aim —Albert Weaver ............ 555 The Revival We Need—A. B. Ost, Evangelist.,..557 The Words of Jesus Christ «Vr^Rev. ]. T. Larsen...'........................................ 559 The Man Who Slighted Opportunity; W. Krummacher................... 560 “It is Written”—Christopher G. Hazard, D.D.... 561 Glorying in 11is Cross- Dr. Geo. S. 562 Mormonism Tells On Itself —John D. Nutting ..................... —563 * * * ' DEPARTMENTS The B.B.B.B. Page ............ — ...........................564 Finest of the Wheat............................. -.................566 Biederwolf’s Illustrated Texts,,— —-----—568 Striking Stories of God’s Workings................... 569 Children’s Garden .................................. -............. 571 International Lesson Commentary............. 573 Biola Table Chat ................................................ -587 Book Table ....... 592 Daily Meditations ................. -.............................. 598



n r a K E T l













T a ) T o sta ifd fo r th ^ r n F a iu b l? W oJd G od a n d its g r e a t fu n d a m e n ta l tr u t h s . ^ ) ^ s t r e n g t h e n m n l r n th in TU h i O T lio tif l i t » (if T if»S (d ) T o m a k e th e B ib le I n s titu te o f L o s w o r k an d com ing- o f o u r -----_ tr a n s f orm ing" pow er^ of th e ^ o ly ^ S p ir it iiT o u r 'p r e se n t p r a c tic a l life . M T o e m p h a siz e in str o n g , c o n s tr u c tiv e m e s sa g e s th e g r e a t fo u n d a tio n s o f C h r istia n fa ith . _________ ’______________________________ . . 5 S rÄ ^ r S “ (ae)Wi r m Ä W f l L ord J e su s C h rist; an d to te a c h th e 536-558 S. Hope S tre e t BIBLE INST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles, C a lifo rn ia

financially. THAT do you think the prospects are of the average young folks of today becoming a steady, God-fearing, home-loving and home-making people, worthy to take up the leadership of a great nation? The home is the basis of safety of any people. Fail t h e r e and you ultimately fail morally and Past history absolutely proves it. What better can pos­ sibly be done than to instill a working knowledge of God’s will and Word in the lives of many carefully selected Christian young people? ex*. The non-sectarian Bible Institutes are surely the most likely to accomplish this object with their two- and three-year intensive Bible Courses. They directly and indirectly help all Evangelical denomina­ tions. Facts in figures and lives prove this. Naturally you want to get the very best “ investment” for your stewardship money. We invite you to help in training numbers of these consecrated young people who are now applying for training for the coming Fall term. Tuition alone costs about $200 a student, and most of them can take care of only the cost of room and board. We look to God’s believing people to take care of the cost of tuition, so that we can tell them “No charge for tuition.” &t> . K local" and geographical responsibility rests upon every earnest Christian to “back-up” by prayer and gifts a Bible School true to the fundamentals of the faith, and the Bible Institute of Los Angeles works on, and is true to, a statement of Doctrine so .strong and clear-cut that even the most critical Christian could not gainsay it. What will you do to help keep the doors open and encourage these needy young people . . real heroes, most of them . . in view of the attractions the world, the flesh and the Devil offer them on every hand? •3xr> Your individual response in the light of Eternity may be more vital than you have any idea of. We are looking forward to your answer and response.

September 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


T h e Id ea l C h ris t HE human race has but one pattern man. Jesus Christ holds th a t;position because He is the universal man. He has a unique relation to the whole human race. No other man who has ever lived could with perfect propriety call upon all men everywhere to follow Him. Why is it that although, as to the flesh, He was of the tribe of Judah, it has not prevented His . thoughts and actions being of universal significance? Is it not strange that there is nothing Jewish about Him? Find another Jew of whom this can be said 1V; His passion was for the human race. He was of no party or sect or race. He was above all. Moses was greatly revered, but in habits, views and position, he was a Jew. Socrates represents a purely Greek type of char­ acter. .Luther was the German type. Of all good and great men, it must’ be said that in tbeir virtues and faults they could only be understood by their own countrymen. Jesus is the one ideal man for all peoples of all ages. His character ' was perfectly balanced. We usually associate a certain temperament with a certain man, but we cannot attribute to Jesus any one temperament. As Philip Schaff says: “He combined the vivacity of the san­ guine temperament 'without its levity, the vigor of the choleric without its violence, the seriousness of the mel­ ancholic without its austerity,- the calmness of the phleg­ matic without its apathy. Hisi; virtue was healthy, manly, vigorous, yet genial, social and winning; never austere and repulsive; always in full sympathy with innocent joy and pleasure. His zeal never degenerated into passion, nor His constancy into obstinacy, nor his benevolence into weakness, nor His tenderness into sentimentality. His unworldliness was free from indifference and unsociabil­ ity, His dignity from pride and presumption, His affa­ bility from: undue familiarity, His self-denial from moroseness, His temperance from austerity. He com­ bined childlike innocence with manly strength, absorbing devotion to God with untiring interest in the welfare of man, tender love to the sinner with uncompromising sever­ ity against sin, commanding dignity with winning humil­ ity, fearless courage with wise caution, unyielding firm­ ness with sweet gentleness. He possessed the wisdom of the serpent and the simplicity of the dove. He was the most effective and yet the least noisy, the most radical and yet the most conservative, calm and patient of all reformers.” These are opposite traits of character, separated in imperfect men, but united in Christ, the Universal Man, the Son of God. There is but one way to account for the race having such a character. His deity must be acknowledged! If He were not more than man, what must be thought of the presumption and vanity of His mighty claims? “I am the light of the world,;”— “No man cometh to, the Father but by me.” ‘ . He is the ideal man because He is infinitely more than men. His inimitable character would remain an insoluble

mystery on any other premise than that He was “God manifest in the flesh.”

C and le stick s of Go ld “I f thou draw out thy soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then shall thy light rise in obscurity and thy dark­ ness become as the noonday" (Isa. 58:10). P ERHAPS one reason Christians are often in the dark is that they spend so much time looking IN instead of AROUND. It is when we try to help another find his way, that we get light on our pathway. The quickest way to lose our Own burden is to give a lift to our neigh­ bor who is tugging at his. ;! The passage quoted above gives us a great under­ lying principle of securing divine guidance and blessing to our souls. We fear that far too little emphasis is being placed upon it in the preaching of today. Do you feel that ybu are an obscure person, untalented and of.little account in God’s service? Here is the,way to “rise in obscurity.” “Let your light so shine that-men may see your good works” (Matt, 5:1b). It is within the power of the humblest souls to give “cups of cold water” in the name of jdsus. (“Inasmuch qs ye hove done{it untq one o f the least of these my brethren,” said our Lord, “ye have done it unto me.” “O, think not since th’ou’rt not called to work In mission field of some far distant clime, That thine is no grand nussidn; every deed That comes to thee in God’s allotted time Is just the greatest deed that thine could be, Since God’s high will appointed it to thee.” Would you dispel your own darkness? Take God’s Word and start enlightening the darkness of some af­ flicted soul. As you study to be a blessing to another, the sun will burst through the dark clouds overhanging your own head, and you will find yourself in noonday brightness. One of Whittier’s poems describes an abbot in a monastery, kneeling at the altar. He is disturbed by the wail of a wretched woman outside. • He goes to the win­ dow and sees her with her wrinkled hands clasped in pathetic appeal. Her child is held by the Moors for ran­ som. She begs for money to redeem him. “What can I give?” the priest answers. “We have nothing. We are always giving. I will pray for you.’,’ It is but mockery to this..wretched mother. “Oh, give me the silver candlesticks from, the altar,” she begs., And the abbott recalls God’s Word, takes down the silver can­ dlesticks and hands them out the, window— . ’ “And as she vanished down the linden shade, He bowed his head and for forgiveness prayed. So the day passed, and when the even came, He woke to find the chapel all aflame, And dumb .with grateful wonder to behold Upon the altar— candlesticks of gold ”' 5

September 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


Some men were passing a stately mansion with beauti­ ful grounds. One asked to whom the place belonged. Another replied: “Oh, that is a happy man indeed!” “Not so happy as you think,” said another. “He has honor and riches, but for all them he has hell within.” Regardless of humble circumstances, even unaided by modern equipment—happy is the man who has the Lord to be his God, Jesus Christ to be his Saviour, the Holy Spirit to be his witness within, the Word of God to be his chart through life. He alone has abiding peace. He alone has assurance of happiness everlasting. Said Lord Bacon: “It is heaven upon earth to have a man’s mind move in love, rest in God, and turn upon the

H eaven o n E a r th T HIS is a day when strange pronouncements are being made by supposedly intellectual^ men. There are a few men who have gained a reputation by imitating the owl, but most men, in these days, get their publicity by giving out to the press statements that are intended to upset conclusions based upon centuries of human experience. As Josh Billings said: “It is better to know less than to know so much that ain’t so.” Another has said: “A wise man is like a pin—his head keeps him from going too far.” But it seems to us some of the learned gentle­ men today are going too far. William Feather (per-

poles of truth.” We are willing to pit that against Mr. Feather’s theory, and to rest the argument upon the statement of J e s u s : “Happy are the poor in s p i r i t : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” a n d F o rg e ttin g M o d e r n psychology vainly endeavors to counterfeit all the graces of the Spirit. A recent ar­ ticle in Pictorial Review attempts to show how one may cultivate forgetfulness of slights and injuries, a trait which the psychologist realizes is most essential to success. “T h e r e are numerous men and women so foolish as to take unduly to heart any little thing that dis­ pleases them,” says the writer, “and by concentrat­ ing on it cause it to become not only a fixture in their memory but a source of woe both to themselves and to other people. Their re­ Fo rg iv ing

haps we should not attach too much weight to his statements), in S y s t e m Magazine, tells us that “the happiest and gayest men are first class doubters. They have the courage to face facts. Faith is ».com­ mon to children and to the ignorant.” The key to hap­ piness, then, is unbelief ! And yet the Scriptures have been telling us that true happiness is only for the satisfied heart, and that God alone can satisfy. “Happy is the man . . . . whose delight is in the law o f the Lord and who medi­ tates in it day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season. His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” That is a promise that seems to have stood the test of human ex­ perience for scores of cen­ turies, yet Mr. Feather sweeps it all aside and in­ forms us the happiest men are the doubters of that Word.

The American Anti'Bible Society

having for its object the discrediting of the Bible, is now organised as an ally of the A. A . A . A. Join the B. B. B. B. [See Page 564]

If you will help us meet this hellish propaganda, drop a card a t once to the Managing Editor and you will be listed as a B. B. B. B.

fusal to disregard and forget the slightly irritating sours their disposition, turns them into habitual faultfinders, and soon or late makes them chronic worriers. This of course impairs their efficiency, and may gradually bring about a grave mental disabling. The world is full of people who, even when mingling with others, are spiritually solitary and wretched because of their persistent remembering of psychic pin-pricks. The main trouble with these people, if only they could be brought to appreciate it, is that they lack a really keen interest in anything except themselves.” But what is the cure proposed? The writer is frank to admit that “ few people are so constituted that they can, by sheer will power, achieve the desired forgetful­ ness. An insistent reiteration of ‘I will forget’ actually makes forgetfulness less likely, if only for the reason that the reiteration itself involves a turning of the attention to the event or person one would forget. What is required for forgetfulness is to turn the attention as much as pos­ sible to other matters.” That is all the cure there is to

H. G. Wells in a recently published article asserts that “never since life first appeared upon this planet has there been so great a proportion of happiness as there is today.” This he attributes to “mechanical inventions and the practical application of scientific knowledge. The age of mere drudge is at an end.” Other authorities tell us that the world has never known so much unrest and misery, and point out that with all our labor-saving inventions and scientific knowledge, thousands are driving themselves to death in search of happiness, which seems ever to be beyond their grasp. It is an old saying that “As ivy twines around oak, so does misery encompass the most prosperous of men.” It may be even yet that Messrs. Feather and Wells will come to realize that pure and unalloyed felicity is not a plant of earthly growth, but that her gardens are in the skies. Nothing has bred more misery and darkness among men than doubt. Not even the marvelous mechanical inventions can bring heaven into the souls of men.

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it so far as the psychologist is concerned, but it is more easily written than carried into effect. The Scriptures deal at length with the matter of for­ giving and forgetting. Believers are to “forgive, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven them” (Eph. 4:32)'. Our Lord taught that we will be conscious of God’s for­ giveness of our sins about in proportion as we forgive others who have wronged us (Mk. 11:25), and Peter was told that to forgive a man seventy times seven was none too many (Matt. 18:21, 22). This spirit of forgiveness, the enabling of the indwell­ ing Holy Spirit, carries with it ability to forget as well as to forgive, for it is thus that God Himself forgives (Ezek. 18:22; Heb. 8:12). The Christian whose life is dom­ inated by the Holy Spirit, to his own surprise finds that he can pass up a slight as easily as he would cancel a note by tearing it in two and burning it up. He remembers that he has not been called upon to bear anything like the slights his Master bore, and that no one has ever treated him as badly as he himself has treated thè Lord. So he enters all the more heartily into the service of God,, realizing that forgiveness and a smile are the best revenge. Many of the humblest followers of Christ have had this victory without even a struggle. It is not a matter of will power or of saying repeatedly, “I will forget.” It is the fruit of the Spirit. An old colored lady, a devout Christian, was one day walking quietly along the street carrying a big basket of apples. A young sailor, for the sake of giving some com­ panions a laugh, deliberately bumped into her and upset the basket of apples. As the apples rolled in every direc­ tion, he stood back expecting to get more sport out of hearing her rave. But without any resentment, and giving him a look of mingled sorrow and pity, she said : “Young man, God forgive you.” It touched a tender chord in the heart of the young fellow, and with teats in his eyes, he apologized and declared that never again would he do a thing like that. This old lady knew nothing of psychol­ ogy» but she had divine grace in her heart, such as every true Christian should have. Nothing is more impressive than the spectacle of genuine forgiveness, and many more hearts would be touched if more Christians claimed this victory. ; T em p e s t in a T e ap o t T HE Sunday School Times publishes the following telegram from Dean Gray of Moody Bible Insti­ tute :— “In your review of Stanley Jones’ book you say, ‘A well known Bible Institute has commended it,’ and I ask that you kindly relieve us of that suspicion. Not only has our .magazine warned its readers against the book, but nearly two years ago, I cautioned our educational department against inviting the author to our platform.” The Times adds that its editors “welcome the oppor­ tunity to explain that the Chicago school was not the one referred to by its editorial statement.” It is not likely that anyone had suspected Dean Gray of having commended modernism in any way. We pre­ sume all the other Bible Institutes are equally disturbed by The Times’ veiled statement, to say nothing of hundreds of Christians who are left to guess which of the very few “well known Bible Institutes” has gone over to liberalism. Evidently The Times had reference to the fact that T h e K ing ’ s B u sin ess , some months ago, quoted with approval several paragraphs of Dr. Jones’ book, ending with the statement that if we had rightly understood Mr. Jones we could agree with the statements.

AT this writing, the Editor of this magazine, •s* - who is also Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, is in Europe, where he is having very unusual opportunities of witnessing for the truth. The Managing Editor takes this op­ portunity to request the earnest prayers of all our readers for Dr. Maclnnis. He is not a strong man physically; his burdens have been exceedingly heavy, and his tendency is to burn himself out for the Lord he loves. A great future is, we believe, opening before the Bible Institute, and we know the enemy of truth would seek by any means to crush those who have a clear vision of God’s purposes; and to this end we ask special prayer on behalf of the one whose life and testimony mean so much to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

The tempest which has resulted from the statements made by our esteemed contemporary, demonstrates what a wide influence the paper has, and the havoc that may be wrought through the employment of veiled statements of this kind. The truth of the matter is that no Bible Insti­ tute, so far as we are aware, has the slightest leaning toward modernism, and certainly the readers of this mag­ azine do not need to be told that the editors do not know­ ingly endorse statements that savor of modernism, or any person known to be a Modernist. We have hesitated to brand Dr. Jones as a minister of Satan, as some have done, for the following reasons 1. His repeated insistence that he is not a Modernist, but a cordial believer in fundamental truth. 2. His declaration that his critics have pressed into some of his phrases meanings that he never intended them to bear. 3. Letters received from missionaries in India, whose word we have no reason to doubt, that Dr. Jones is preach­ ing the true Gospel in his evangelistic meetings. 4. The appeal sent out by the Evangelical Prayer Union of India calling upon Christians to pray that many souls might be saved in Dr. Jones’ meetings. 5. The fact that a number of orthodox scholars of equal standing with Dr. Jones’ critics, have pointed out that Dr. Jones does affirm in his book his belief in our Lord’s deity, His atoning work, etc., and that, in their opinion, the omissions of which some complain were not deliberate. 6. Because the editors of this magazine know from experience how it feels to be labeled Modernists by well-

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He has given us an inspired message to tell us that He does care, and that it is His delight to draw nigh to those whose hearts cry out for Him. Furthermore, human experience over all the centuries has demonstrated that the “fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Let unbelievers bring on their arguments, but those who take God at His Word will be able to go on believing, for they have a knowledge distilled out of vital experience. gte ate Love L ifts “Though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing" (1 Cor. 13:3). A lavish hand without a loving heart means nothing in God’s sight. Men think it is a great thing to be a large contributor to worthy causes. The impression is abroad that the big givers attract the attention of all heaven. Yet the Scripture declares that one could give his last nickel for humanitarian work and not gain the notice of heaven’s humblest angel. He could ever? go so far as to give himself a martyr, and because he had not God’s love as his heart motive, he would gain nothing so far as eter­ nity is concerned. This chapter informs us that there is something more important than tongues, than the gift of proclaiming the truth, than a knowledge of deep things, than miracle- working faith, than great beneficence, than even martyr­ dom for a religious cause. The all-essential thing in mak­ ing the Gospel grip the hearts of men is divine love that will be manifested in the life in the ways here described. Men may admire our gifts,§ marvel at our timely words—but still our influence will be as the dews that pass away, without the life depicted in this chapter. It is this alone which gives value and enduring quality to any ser­ vice rendered in the name of Christ. ate ate S a n c tio n in g of F re e Love by t h e C h u rc h T HE people of this country have recently had a real demonstration of the lengths to which religious lead­ ers will go when their views of the Scriptures become loose. The great congress of the Episcopal Church held at San Francisco had no sooner opened than one of its speakers came out boldly for the sanctioning, by the church, of unmarried unions. It was a young rector from Ann Arbor, Michigan, who threw this thunderbolt of radical thought into the gathering. While the proposal drew forth a blast of in­ dignation from Bishop Manning, of New York, the young Modernist did not find himself standing alone. The rector of the Bouwerie Church, New York, who some time ago was lifted out of obscurity by staging dances in connection with the church services, ardently supported the first speaker. Bishop Manning stated that “any man who defends or approves unmarried unions is out of place in the ministry o f the Episcopal Church or any other church.” It was well said, but the Bouwerie rector contended that “the institution of marriage as we now have it is not a Chris­ tian institution. . . . Bishop Manning,” he declared, “is satisfied with legal appearances and forms, while some of us want rather ‘the spirit that quickeneth,’ irrespective of forms, for ‘i t . slayeth not as the latter doth,’ with the poison of hypocrisy.” It was frankly admitted that Judge Ben Lindsey was

meaning but panic-stricken brethren,, when God knows they are mistaken., We know,the injury that has been wrought to soul-winnjng work through such ill-advised attacks, and lest we ourselves have to answer for the loss of souls, we seek not to be hasty in branding as wolves in sheep’s clothing any who claim to have received the full­ ness of the Holy Spirit and to be seeking the salvation of souls. Time may prove that we erred in making use of any of Dr. Jones’ statements, but God knows our desire is to be fair and Christian, arid we reaffirm our editorial policy as stated at the beginning of the year:— “If at any time personalities become necessary for the good of the causes of right and righteousness, . they shall not be indulged without the most careful investigation and the fullest possible chance for fair explanations.” 1 B- ste ste Is God In te r e s te d ? D OES God take an interest in the welfare of His creatures? Is it likely that He considers the trivial details of human life, or that He has an ear for human prayers ? Many modern thinkers tell us the old Christian con­ ception is absurd. Even if they allow a personal God, they t.ell us that man is so utterly insignificant in compar­ ison with his Maker and with other things in the uni­ verse, that we only delude ourselves when we think that He keeps His eye on an individual. Modern science has shown that our earth is only one among the planets which go around the sun, and the sun itself is. only one among many millions of stars. We humans are not so large in comparison as the siriallest insects on a cabbage, yet some of us dare to think that the God who rules the stars should take an interest in such' tiny beings on such a tiny earth! The superficial thinker is swairiped by such high [Sduriding arguments! But is there any -real' difficulty in all -this? ' “ Everything poirits to the conclusion that God designed and created this small planet and all of the insignificant creatures' that inhabit it. Is it then improbable that He takes an interest in the welfare of what He has made? Let1us bear in mind, also, that man is the highest and noblest of the creatures God created for this earth. Un­ worthy as we may be of His care, reason tells us that no other being is more worthy of it. It is not at all likely, that God has no interest in any of His works. If He is mindful of any, we may well suppose it would be of the crown of His creation—the only intelligent creatures—the only one capable of fellowship with his Maker. Furthermore, when we observe God’s methods in riature, can we charge Him with anything like neglect of small things ? The smallest insect or plant seems finished with such perfection that one might think it alone existed in the universe. The real wonder of God’s greatness is that He is so infinite in greatness that nothing is too small for Him to care about. True greatness is not revealed in despising that which is small, but in being able to take it all in. God Himself must be inconceivably greater than all He has created. He is able to attend to our little planet and each and every one of its inhabitants. Anyone who admits of a personal God, acknowledges His omniscience. If God knows all about what is going on,-is it too much to believe that He cares? If God knows anything, He knows everything. Then why shouldn’t He care about everything?

September 1927

B u s i n e s s 547 were thick in the head.” (This from the Bouwerie') Further comment is. unnecessary. The San Fran­ cisco incident should suffice to show the course in which we shall be led when rationalism and Sovietism get the upper hand in the church. & afe C om ing t o T e rm s “I read recently in an American magazine,” said Dr. Orchard at King’s Weigh House, “that if Christianity is going to exist it must come to terms with the modern intellect. That certainly will be very difficult. It will be no small matter for Christianity to humble itself so-that it can be comprehended by the modern intellect. The trouble is that Christianity is too immense fob uS, It is as if a thirsty man, begging a drink of water, were given a tin mug to be filled at a roaring cataract.”

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the real bogey behind the modernistic young rector from Ann Arbor. “If to sanctify unmarried unions,” he told his grave and startled hearers, “would do away, as some urge it would, with promiscuity and double standards, and better protect the children of legal marriage, then to keep on fussing with rules about divorce, and the idea that all marriages are made in heaven, is titter folly.” He declared that the church might as well realize, whatever it “may think of such conduct,” that young men and women of today are indulging in “sex experiments” and that the church’s message toathem must;be framed on the basis of that fact. . “To many young people,” he said, “what used to be considered lapses from the moral code are, now considered to be acts which are as natural as eating and drinking,” He proposed that the church should encourage the intelligent use of birth control. He took the church to task for seek- ing to impose the rules and standards of the past upon the present generation. “We cannot,” he said, “presuppose a fixed and invari­ able moral code by which the men of all ages and all de­ grees of civilization are to be tried and convicted or acquitted. We know perfectly well that there is no such thing as. an absolute moral code.” The .shocking thing about these effusions is that they could even be tolerated in a congress of'clergymen. Such ideas,might-be_,expected from Judge Lindsey, the Amer­ ican champion of looseness, or from George Bernard Shaw, of England, who holds that marriage is violation of manhood, the sale of one’s birthright, a shameful sur­ render. It might; have been expected from H. G. Wells,5 who has joined the Lindsey-Shaw crew and now cham­ pions free love. .Mr. Wells said.recently : “The time will come when the ministrations of the clergyman, the orartge blossoms, the hired carriage and the white favors will be quaint social survivals of the backwoods, suburbs and towns.” There was a time when such views emanated from the leaders of Red Russia, but some of them have learned,- what our Ann Arbor friend has yet to learn, that free love and loose regulations concerning marriage have had a de­ cidedly demoralizing effect on life in Rtissia. Lenin, just before his death, made the following statement to Clara Zétkin, German Communist ; “You know the famous theory that in society based on Communism it is just as simple to-satisfy one’s wish for love as it is to get a drink of water. ' [ Note this expression and compare the remark noted above: “as natural as eating and drinking.” ] Well, to this drink-of-water theory we Owe the fact that our young generation has gone mad. This theory has caused the ruin of a great many youths.” Bukharin, another Communist leader, says of the Soviet way, that “an orgy of immorality ensued which struck fear into the hearts of Soviet leaders themselves.” Leon Trotsky says of it: “The process of disintegra­ tion goes on at full speed. Mothers and children are the victims.” The Berlin Rul said recently : “It is with a great sor­ row that the peasants remember the happy days when cus­ toms were pure and the family was scjund. Soviet legis­ lation introduced ruin, family disputes, mutual enmities, numerous court trials, vengeance; assassinations and the destruction of family ties.” While even Red Russia has been forced to admit th a t, the laws of marriage laid down in God’s Word are sound, an Episcopal clergyman of America arises to say that “the New Testament was written by a lot of chumps who

Thanh God fo r Bishop Manning One Episcopalian Bishop who had, the courage to '■give'a, broadside to the proposals, for, ehurch^recgg-, nitioh of Unmarried unions. f ERTAINLY any man "who defends or approves ‘unmarried unions1 is out of place in the- ministry;, of ..the. Episcopal f Church or of<;anyMother.-church,' .Some -people, seem to suppose! ..that -there is something new and modern about the idea of ‘unmarried unions’ or ‘compan­ ionate marriages.’ “These things are not new. They are only modern and high sounding phrases for the age-old immor­ ality. They, are only modern names for; free-love.-. The Russian Soviet government is advocating these same ‘sex experiments’ as part of its plan- for de­ stroying both morality arid religion. “I am aware that these ideas are being propagated among our Young people by some university pro­ fessors, ,,but' that any Christian minister should ad­ vocate such views‘Seems incredible. It is becoming clearer every day that Christian morals and Chris­ tian faith stand or fall together. For those who believe in Jesus Christ there can be no debate as to the Christian standards of morality and purity. : “I would not allow a newspaper to come into my home which advocated ‘unmarried unions’ and ‘sex experiments’ for the young. A clergyman who should advocate these views, if mentally responsible, would be a dishonor to the Christian church and a menace to the community. Such teaching from a Christian minister would be even more vicious than from a tabloid newspaper or a sex magazine. What should we feel, any of us-who are fathers and mothers, about a minister who would commend ‘un­ married unions’ and ‘sex experiments’ to our daugh­ ters or our sons? “There are those, as the crime statistics show, who are only too ready to follow such advice. But the straight-thinking and true-hearted young people of today will reject and resent any such teaching. They know there is a Law of God which must be obeyed, and that ‘the wages of sin is death.’ We have had a most striking evidence of the kind of stuff that is in our young people today in the modesty, the poise, the clear moral judgment, as well as the courage of Charles Lindbergh. It is deplorable that such teach­ ing as that referred to can be even thought of in connection with one who holds the office of a Chris­ tian minister.”. Mg—Bishop William T. Manning, . New York.

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