King's Business - 1927-09


September 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

OR some time we have been tempted to write a scorching editorial classifying the anonymous letter-writer as the meanest man on earth. We have formed the habit in T h e K ing ’ s B usiness Editorial Offices, of noting whether or not a let­ ter is signed before we start reading it. -If it bears no, signature, it. is promptly consigned to,-the waste basket: , -Many a nicely written ten-page letter takes its flight directly to our junk pile each month for this reason. Some very sincere people seem to feel it their peculiar ministry to give a correspondence course tp editors and all Christian workers; One may learn even from,- a fool, and we are always glad to consider suggestions from any source, so long as we have an opportunity to present our side of the case, which often might cause the writer to see things from another angle. However, we feel that God is not pleased with anonymous letters. He desires His people to be open and above board, free and frank with one another. For that reason we neither write nor read anonymous letters. However, we have in our midst a rapidly increasing tribe of pen-pushers of another variety. They are very orthodox. They never fail to sign their names. What ■they have to say, they say in terms that no one could mis­ understand. They roast the victim to a frazzle and then send out mimeograph copies of their letters to their regu­ lar mailing list, so that all may know that they have burned a hole through some offending brother. Of course, it may develop that the “offending brother” was entirely in the right, but those who have relished the attack will never discover that. S pec im en s of t h e S tu f f One such letter, written at length to the youthful preacher who has had President Goolidge in his congrega­ tion during the summer, was recently sent out to editors. The letter stated that a copy was also being sent to the President. We are not worrying about the President, for such stuff never reaches him; but we do feel con­ cerned about the student preacher, lest he should judge Fundamentalists in general by such unbalanced enthu­ siasts. There comes to us, also, a letter written ,to the editor of one of pur valued exchanges, and apparently broad­ casted to a number of editors. The writer wants it known that he is one of the bold defenders of the Faith who is not afraid to rebuke error in high places. He also says: “Of course all our rebukes should be in the Spirit and in the love of Christ.” Then we note the following para­ graph : “A man asked me a day or so ago if . T h e K ing ’ s B u siness magazine was not slipping, I assure you I shall watch it to see that it doesn’t get any of my money for Subscriptions if it falls into line with the rest of those who are mixing error with truth.” So far as we can discover, the author of the above has never approached us regarding any article which he be­ lieved to be bordering upon liberalism. What possible motive might he have in putting such a suggestion into the mind of one of our competitors? In broadcasting such a letter, can, it be that he hopes to turn the critical eyes of



gathered His disciples together after the Crucifixion and the Resurrection', and gave to them the eternal commis­ sion of service: “Go ye into all the world.” . “Lo, I am with you alway.” The disciples left this sacred place and went forth to over-ride the kingdoms of the Caesars. If we would minister in the name of Christ today, we must catch the breeze that blows from Olivet’s brdw, for the Spirit of ministry in the name of Jesus shall yet master the world. On the mighty heights of the Andes stands the figure- of the Christ. Christ makes sacred the moun­ tain ranges of the earth, and the Christ of the Andes shall bring peace to all mankind. The breezes from the Moun­ tain peaks of, the Bible blow with sweet refreshment across the soul and carry mighty messages for the chil­ dren of the King. May the gentle breezes that blow from the; sun-kissed, snow-capped mountains of the Bible re­ fresh us in the summer days which are yet to come! C a llou s C h ris tia n s Here are some beautiful words from the lips of Dr. Jowett, lips that are now silent: “I am amazed how easily I become callous. I am ashamed how small and unsensi­ tive is.the surface I present to the needs and sorrows of the world. We can never heal the heed we do not feel. Tearless hearts can never be heralds of the passion. We must pity if we would redeem. We must bleed if we would be ministers of the saving blood.”

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