King's Business - 1927-09



“The best plan we have ever tried” “Delighted with the way the calendars sell” Churches, E lated with the Results, Unanimbusly Praise the Calendar Plan

Bible Stories for Little Folk B y Edna B. Rowe

Our Christian Service Calendar has proved a great boon to the many churches that have used it to raise funds for the work. Church and Bible- school workers grow enthusiastic over their suc­ cess. They are surprised at what little effort it takes to sell the calendar, how quickly their first order for fifty or one hundred copies increases to three, four and often five hundred calendars. Unequaled as Yet There are many attractive plans offered for rais­ ing church funds, but of them all we have yet to find one that proves so satisfactory as our calendar proposition. It is easy to understand the reason why. H ie Christian Service Calendar possesses the two requisites that make any article readily salable. It fills a real practical need, and it has an artistic and inspirational value that appeals strongly to our innate love for beauty. A third taking feature is its low price. Thought, tim e and money are spent each year to make the Christian Service Calendar the choicest Scriptural calendar to be found anywhere. The one for 1928 is genuinely beautiful. Plockhorst’s re­ nowned painting, “ The Good Shepherd,” has been selected to illustrate the front cover, and twelve other equally famous subjects the inside pages. Their beauty can be gathered, in a degree, from the ones we have reproduced in this circular. All are richly colored and strikingly attractive. The other special features are: An unusually fine selection of Scripture texts that supply an uplifting and helpful thought for each day; the subjects of the Interna­ tional Sunday-school lessons for the entire year, with their Golden Texts; the Senior and Junior 0. E. topics and the sayings of Jesus in red letters for each Wednesday. Sure of Success Are you looking for a positively successful way to raise money for your church work? A way that will be agreeable and easy, and where the article you sell w ill be worth several times the price you ask for it? Then, by all means, try ours.' We offer you very liberal terms and a plan that has been thoroughly tested. Thousands upon thousands of our calendars are sold each year through church organizations, and we have letter after letter on file praising the beauty of the calendar and testifying to the pleas­ ure and profit to be had in helping to supply homes with an article of so great religious and inspira­ tional a nature. An Early Start Pays Why not decide right now that you and the other members of your church and Bible school shall be the ones to secure its sales in your neighborhood? All that you need to arouse the interest of your cbworkers is to_ send for a copy of the calendar. Once they see it you w ill have their enthusiastic co-operation. While the members of other churches are thinking they w ill sell it, why don’t you begin right now to do it? We are prepared to ship the calendars to you any time_ you say. You w ill find that in this enterprise, as in every other, it pays to be first in the field. SEND 30 CENTS FOB A SAMPLE.

Bible stories are the most fascinating stories all literature, and a good teller of Bible stor is one of the most influential and useful pers in all the world. M iss Rowe is a genius in art of telling stories to children. Contains : pages; forty-four illustrations, in multi-col'o “This book will delight every child into wh hands it comes, or who has the stories read to ] by mother or teacher. The old, old stories are 1 in such an interesting way that they can not fa i please .”— The Sunday School World. “These stories emphasize the finest traits of ch acter and are so beautifully, but simply, told t they are sure to wield an influence in shaping the tore of the children who hear them .”— Lillie A. Fa Oloth. Price, $1.50. Scripture Text Post-cards Series 349. Scripture text cards are appropri for every season. This series is done in exquu colors. Five designs. Price, per dozen, 20c.; 100, $1.25.

Beautifully printed in six colors. Size, 10 x 15 inches

Our CHRISTIAN SERVICE CAL­ ENDAR p ro v id e s the w ay for your church o rgan iza tion to easily make from $ 2 5 ,0 0 to $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 . Hundreds o f societies have made more • SPECIAL PRICES TO CHURCHES Note carefully the third column. It is the one that w ill interest you most. Sell Tor Cost Profit 5 Calendars.___ . $1.50 $1.25 $0.25 10 Calendars------.. 3.00 2.30 .70 25 Calendars__ _ . 7.50 5.25 2.25 50 Calendars....... .. 15.00 9.50 5.50 100 Calendars.___ . 30.00 17.00 13.00 200 Calendars........1 60.00 32.00 28.00 300 Calendars___ . 90.00 45.00 45.00 500 Calendars.___ .150.00 70.00 80.00 Single copy, 30 cents. An important fact to remember: The CHRISTIAN SERVICE CALENDAR makes an ideal Christmas gift— attractive, inexpensive and useful.

Series 485. A beautiful new series of five signs. Printed in colors. Scripture texts and lustrations harmonize. This series has been ci fully planned. Nothing finer ever offered in type of post-cards. Per dozen, 20c.; per 100, $1

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