September 1927
T h e
K i n g ’ s
B u s i n e s s
belong to the 4 A’s because he thought it was not right that a great many people were compelled to listen to relig ion in schools, the Army and Navy, and Congress. “The chairman asked if there were any students pres ent. There were two from the Chicago University. One was a rabid militant atheist. The other said he believed the same as the other student, but believed also hot to be so public about it. “The chairman addressed us. In his remarks he said, ‘Your presence here denotes that you are atheists.’ As a Christian it was my duty to explain my presence. I arose and said: ‘I am not an atheist, but a Christian, and as such I cannot do otherwise than love you. I am here to know first-hand what you stand for. Be as tolerant toward me as I am towards you. If someone, say your child, lay asleep at the edge of a precipice and was rolling towards sure death and you had the p’ower to save the child, what would you. do? We are all going to die. You will all admit that, without a question. You believe when you are dead, that’s all there is to it. I believe differently. Study my side of it. Thank “As we prepared to leave, the chairman said: ‘Dr. Halbe, allow me to thank you for your fairness and tol erance. We want you to stay.’ Those that were present applauded those sentiments. We did not wish to embarrass them, so we departed. “This is the lesson I received. Why is it we Christians are not more tolerant of one another? “In His service, “O. J. Halbe.” We? W? Loose Nuts I N April the Daughters of the American Revolution assembled in Washington. In a resolution calling upon its members to stand by the fundamental principles of the United States, opposition to the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism was expressed^ After reciting the fact that great “statesmen, philoso phers, educators and leaders of world thought for gen erations” had drawn “inspiration from the Holy Scrip tures,” it was urged that all Daughters of the American Revolution “do their utmost in their own homes and com munities to stimulate renewed interest in reading the Bible and in memorizing its choicest gems;” also to influence leaders in vacation training school movements, play grounds, children’s libraries, summer camps, student con ferences, to inaugurate a wider use as a background for their general programs. The Washington Chapter of the A.A.A.A. promptly registered a protest. In part, it reads: “It is an anachronism of the Twentieth Century that supposedly intelligent women should engage in attempts to pump silly, stupid and obsolete superstitions into the brains of the children of the United States, Why don’t you try to teach facts instead of foolishness—science in stead of Theology? The A.A.A.A., led by such great American atheists as Bishop Montgomery Brown, E. Hal- deman-Julius, Charles Smith, Freeman Hopwood, Lynn A. E. Gale and Stanley Clark, accepts the challenge of organized bigotry and will wage increasing warfare against your efforts to poison the minds of young Amer icans.” The above speaks for itself and should arouse every reader to a personal concern for the morale of our youth
Summons to Windy City Atheists T HE following letter was sent out over the city of Chicago by the American Association for the Ad vancement of Atheism, summoning unbelievers for the or ganization of the great Chicago branch of the A.A.A.A. “Dear Fellow Sinner: “A meeting of members of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism will be held in Parlor ‘A’ (3rd floor) of Hotel Bismarck, 171 West Randolph Street (corner Wells) at 8 P. ,M. on ‘FR IDAY , the 13th.’ (If you are ‘superstitious,’ don’t come.) “Announcement will be on hotel bulletin hoard under ‘A.AA.A.’ “We will complete organization of ‘The Atheist So ciety of Chicago,’ under auspices of the 4 A’s, militant foe of church and clergy and all forms of religious hocus pocus. “ ‘Behold, an idle tale they tell,
But who can blame their telling it ? The rogues have got their bunk to sell, Arid the world pays well for selling it.’
“Militant Atheism is out to unmask the roguery of the infamous ‘con game’ by which theological ‘fat boys’ and ‘spiritual’ fakirs, dealing in ‘futures,’ thrive on ignorance, credulity and fear. “We make war against the whole GOD AND GHOST ‘BUSINESS,’—the most contemptible graft of today.
“If you want to help, be oh hand, “Bring a new member with you.
“Yours for science as the only saviour, “J. M. A. Spence,
“National Organizer 4 A’s.”
Wonderful Foundation Laid in Chicago D R. O. J. HALBE, an out-and-out Christian living in Chicago, received an invitation and attended the meeting. He writes, us as follows: “On receipt of the enclosed letter I attended that meet ing with a friend. Let me give you my impressions: “When the meeting was called to order there were twenty-three (not counting myself and friend) present, composed of 4 women, one child, and 18 men. Not counting the child, the ages ranged from twenty-two to sixty-five. Swedes and Norwegians predominated. “Mr. J. M- A. Spence, the National Organizer, was nominated temporary chairman. He called the meeting to order. A temporary secretary and treasurer were elected. An expression from those present was called for. A man took the floor who wanted to know if there were any re porters present, also stated we should not let any one know he was present because his employers would dis charge him. He spoke along the usual line the 4 A’s talk. Another said he never belonged to any societyH-he did not believe societies were good for anything. He wanted to
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