King's Business - 1927-09

September 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

for a man to force himself to that to which God has not called him. This prophet likewise was no busybody but was an in­ dustrious, thrifty, honest laborer. God, whose eyes “run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is per­ fect toward Him,” saw the prophet’s heart, this servant of His; hence He called him and endued him with power to deliver the message to the northern king­ dom. Like Paul, he was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision (Acts 26:19). Isa. 6:1-8. The call of Isaiah. There is some discussion as to whether the call re­ corded in chapter 6 is chronologically be­ fore his delivery of the first five chapters. Some eminent scholars think that this call may be termed a second or a confirmatory call. The uncertainty connected herewith does not involve any principle. V. 1. The call occurred in the year that King Uzziah died, whose reign was one of the most glorious in Judah since the days of Solomon and who was a con­ temporary of Jeroboam II in the north­ ern kingdom and also of Amos the proph­ et. His call consisted of his seeing a vision of the Lord uoon His throne, Whose train filled the Temple. The Lord Whom he saw is “God, Most High, posses­ sor o f heaven and earth” (Gen. 14:19). V. 2. The word “seraphim” is derived from the verb which means “burning, shining, glorious,” and refers to angelic beings of the highest order, each of which had six wings; with two they covered the face, with two they covered the feet, and with two they did fly (cf. “cherubim,” Ezek. 1 and 2, who have four wings each). Doubtless the' living creatures of Rev. 4 are the same as the seraphim. V. 3. The message or the song of the seraphim. The song of the seraphim—the triple “holy,” probably a description of the holiness of the triune.God. The liv­ ing creatures which John saw were the same. They saw the time when the glory of God shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. V. 4. The temple in heaven. The tem­ ple, the thresholds of which were shaken, is evidently the heavenly temple which is seen in Rev. 11:19 and which is, though not material, a reality. V. S. Isaiah’s reference to his condi­ tion. Having seen the holiness and purity of God, by contrast Isaiah realized his in­ feriority and was overwhelmed with his failures and shortcomings. Thus moved, he wept, confessing his undone condition and the lost condition of his people. He, like all true' Jews, was interested in the s spiritual welfare of his people. It was his vision of "The King, Jehovah of Hosts,” which produced this profound conviction of uncleanness (cf. Job 42:5). Vs. 6 and 7. Isaiah’s cleansing. In the vision a seraphim took a living coal from the altar and touched his mouth and for­ gave his sins. This cleansing reminds one of that which the Saviour did (Jno. 15:3) when He said, “Ye are clean be­ cause of the word which I have spoken unto you.” V. 8. Isaiah’s call and response. A voice sounded forth saying, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” The word “apostle” (of Greek origin) means “one sent.” Every minister of the Gos­ pel who has received the divine call is

one sent and is an ambassador of the court of heaven (cf. 2 Cor. 5:18-21). In the second part of this question the plural pronoun “us” is used, which evidently is a reflection of the Trinity, as may be seen in Gen. 1:26; 3 :22. In response to the call Isaiah volunteered, “Here am I; send me.” His cleansing and volunteer­ ing for the ministry remind one of Da­ vid’s prayer for cleansing and renewal? .after which he promised that he would teach transgressors God’s ways and that sinners would be converted to God. Though God may, notwithstanding a man’s sins, use him in the furtherance of the Gospel, He can use in a fuller way a man whose heart is pure and whose hands are clean. God Choosing His Helpers 1 Kings 19:19-21; Amos 7:14-16; Isa. 6:1-8. Memory Verse: “Here am I; send me.” Isa. 6 :8. Approach: Make these three striking stories live again as you tell them to the boys and girls, so that all three prophets will stand out as vital figures. Two were our lot in life. Prayer. Lesson Story. (Review, showing that no sin goes unnoticed or unpunished by God.) Today we are to hear about three men who heard God’s call and obeyed. Each one of' these men was busy doing his own work, but they left at once when they knew God wanted them to do some­ thing for Him. The great prophet Elijah was getting old, and God told him to go to a man by the name of Elisha and anoint him as a prophet. Now, a prophet is one forth God’s messages, like our ministers. A true prophet or minister will not change God’s Word but will give it in truth. One who changes God’s words as in the Bible is a false prophet or minister. Elijah found Elisha plowing in the field, and he put his mantle upon him. Now, Elisha knew immediately the meaning of this act, that God meant him to take up Elijah’s work. God is watching each one of you children, and he knows just how g T A R T Christm as p lan ­ n ing righ t now . Let the K. B. be you r g ift to m any of you r friends. See ad­ vance announcem en t of new book to be given w ith a l l g i f t subscriptions. (P ag e 540 ) farmers, a n d one was a man of influ­ ence at the court of the kings of Judah. God has a work for each one of us to do. We can stand out a g a i n s t the wrong and always do the right, no matter what may be

BLACKBOARD OUTLINE God Speaks to Those Who H EAR ¡S“Still small voice.” EED “What doest thou?” ONOR “Go, return.” Speak, for thy servant heareth. 1 Sam. 3:10. you are doing your work or getting your lessons each day, and whether you will be ready for the work He has for you to do. Will you be ready when He calls? Will you go at once? Elisha now became a prophet in Israel and went about the Lord’s business. Another man by the name of Amos was taking care of sheep and trees when he was called to go forth and tgll the people of their sin. He had no special training, .but he knew right from wrong, and even though it meant hardship and suffering and great danger, Amos went forth and told the great sin of Israel and the awful punishment that was coming upon them. He warned them to prepare to meet God. Now Elisha and Amos were farmers, but the last one we are to get acquainted with is Isaiah, who held a high position ■in the court of the kings. The king of the country, who had served many years, was dead, and Isaiah was wondering who could take his place, and then God gave Isaiah a vision, in which he saw three things—the Lord, himself, his duty. We have never realiy seen the Lord until, like Isaiah, we see Him in all His holi­ ness and purity, and then we will feel how sinful we are. Isaiah was a good man, and loved and served God, but when his life was placed beside the Lord, he felt himself a great sinner, and brought from his heart his great confession. Then God cleansed and forgave his sin. Isaiah heard the call of God for some one to go and tell the people of their sin of forgetting God, and to warn them. Listen to Isaiah’s answer. “Here am I ; Send me.” He did not wait, but an­ swered at once. Like Elisha and Amos, Isaiah was facing that which was not easy, but he knew God was with him, and that Israel must hear God’s message through his lips and tongue. Now, this beautiful story teaches us that God does not call lazy or idle people, but busy ones. They were faithful in the work they were doing, and obeyed at once. God calls peo­ ple to just the kind of work He knows they can do. Are we honest and faithful in our tasks each day? Will we be ready to answer, “Here am I ;.v send me” ? (Prayer.) T - IA V E you p u t the K. B. in to you r Public Li­ b rary? W hy no t subscribe fo r a copy to be sen t regu ­ larly? Is it in the Y.M .C.A . a n d Y. W . C. A reading rooms ? H e re ’s a chance to sow some seed. a

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