King's Business - 1927-09


September 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

ticular book or chapter in the Bible. Unfamiliarity with the total contents of the Bible is a fact that should make Christian people pause, think, and act. Confronted by this sad situation, a movement has been organized by a number ,of Presbyterian laymen in Pat­ erson, New Jersey, led by Mr. George Arnold, and Mr. William H. Maine. The general purpose of the organiza­ tion is to place a Bible in every church pew, to give it a permanent place in Sabbath schools and to foster its read­ ing in Christian homes. I Chamber of Commerce Methods i ( r T H E reasons for the decline in soul-winning fervor JL are not far to -seek,” says Dr, Mountain. “We have too much of the Chamber of Commerce methods in ‘putting over’ our Church program, and too little de­ pendence upon the demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit. “Our hope of success in our church and denomina­ tional work has been anchored too much to the wisdom of men and too little to the power of God. Human mechan­ ics have superseded divine dynamics. “Our churches have required of their pastors that they be skillful manipulators of organizations rather than Spirit-endowed messengers of the Oracles of God. “They have insisted that they be successful adminis­ trators of finance rather than strong advocates of the faith. “There is too much of the clang of silver in our em­ phasis, not too much silver; for God knows that we need and could use much more silver than we are giving, but too much of the clang of silver.”

I am pleased to see that Sir A. Keith is more honest in his declarations than the average Evolutionist. You must, however, read his remarks very carefully. You would hardly imagine after the opening dogmatic state­ ment that later, in the same interview he says, under,the heading “AN UNSOLVED MYSTERY” :— “We cannot yet say why the human stock has budded into the intelligent being that man is today, or why the poor anthropoid ape should have remained so low down the scale. Neither do we know anything about the be­ ginning of life or its end. That is not our duty. At present one can only speculate.about the beginning of life.” See Daily Mail, May 5th. Put into plain English, they are still groping in the .dark, and practically know nothing about the very essen­ tials of the Evolutionary Theory. H I M Plenty of Bibles—But —? P UBLISHING Houses that print and circulate the Bible have, given out figures showing that millions of Bibles have been printed and distributed throughout the world during the past few years. This is highly gratify­ ing, and all lovers of the Holy Book sincerely hope that, in the future, the Bible will have a still larger circulation. But,-—over against this is the fact that the Bible is rapidly disappearing from our churches and Sabbath Schools, and responsive readings and •lesson leaflets are taking the place of the sacred Book; and it is the expe­ rience of ministers and church workers that many Chris­ tian people, in public worship, and also children in Sab­ bath schools, find it difficult to turn promptly to any par­

These A r a b s and their Camels are sur­ rounding the pit into which it is supposed Joseph was cast by his brethren m a n y centuries ago. * * This pit is located near Dothan, Pales­ tine. Read the story in the 37th chapter of Genesis.

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