King's Business - 1927-09

September 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

Young Folks’ Bible O xford U niversity P ress

There has come to hand the new pro­ duct of Oxford Presses called The .Young Folks’ Bible, Style 6181. There are 77 beautiful illustrations and 5 maps in this attractive, yet moderately priced Bible ($3.50) and we believe the book, with its helps prepared- especially for the young, will have a strong appeal. It will make an excellent gift Bible.—K. L. B. —o— From Every Tribe and Nation B y B elle M. B rain Fifty new missionary stories are fur­ nished us in this excellent $1.50 volume printed by Revell Company. This com­ pilation of well-told stories by Miss Brain tells Of inspiring lives of Christian con­ verts On'the foreign field. The fifty sto­ ries, each brief, concise, and revealing, come from all parts of the world, and re­ late incidents in the Christian experience of men and women of all grades of life; poor and rich; humble and famous; black, white, yellow, red and brown. Workers in Sunday schools, missionary meetings, and mission study classes, and also preachers of missionary sermons, will find them very usable and effective. Miss Brain’s earlier popular books of missionary stories foretell an extensive use of the present volume.—K. L. B. —o— Hold Fast By Your Sundays L ord ’ s D ay O bservance S ociety of L ondon A short and simple, but readable story, written by a man who, amid the tempta­ tions of youth, did hold fast by his Sab­ baths to his own spiritual, mental, phy­ sical and material advantage. It is not a book of dogmatic moralizing or a treatise on Sabbath observance, but a plain, practical little life story, full of sound and wholesome lessons. It claims to be written for the rising generation, but should be equally helpful and sugges­ tive to parents)—F. M. C. —o— The Humanism of Jesus B y R obert H. W. S hepherd , M.A. Among all the books that, have been written to make real and attractive the human side of Jesus Christ’s life, nothing has appeared in the last five years that is so sympathetic, true to the Bible story, and at the same time illuminating, as the “Humanism of Jesus” by Robert H. W. Shepherd, M.A., published by George H. Doran Company, New York, and sold for $ 2 . 00 . It is impossible to read these brilliantly and simply written pages by this mission­ ary of South Africa without realizing that he has companioned with Jesus in a sympathetic and knowing way. Every chapter is full of insights and circum­ stances that ought to be of the greatest help to the Christian in his living, and the preacher and the teacher in their pub­ lic ministry.—J. M. M. —H>— Evolution and Revelation P rof . J. A. F leming , M.A., D.Dc., F.R.S. Published by Morgan & Scott, Ltd. Price 15c The Victoria Institute is the Philo­ sophical Society of Great Britain and stands for the investigation, in a reverent spirit, of important questions of Philoso­ phy and Science, especially those bearing

Come with us to the MEDITERRANEAN»«« HOLY LAND 1 1928

awaiting us., Hotel rooms will have been reserved. Mr. Boring \yill have made all arrangements before we arrive. By char­ tering an entire ship, prices have been re­ duced to a minimum. The itinerary is most comprehensive. It requires 62 days without stopover and in­ clude? Madeira; Gibraltar; Algeciras, Spain; Algiers; Tunis and Carthage; Malta; Athens; Constantinople; Beirut, Syria; eleven days in Palestine a n d Egypt; Syracuse, Sicily; five days in Naples and Rome; the French Riviera; and an opportunity to stop over in Europe to visit London and Paris. Fill in the coupon below and mail it today. Mr. Boring will gladly send you complete description of the S. S. Doric and places to be visited. The first step is to get all the facts, so write today. * James Boring’s Travel Service, Inc., I Bible House, New York City, N. Y. I 1 am interested in learning about The I I King’s Business party on James Boring's | 1928 Cruise to the Mediterranean, the H oly Land and Europe. Please send me I • full particulars. * Name........... I........ I I A ddress....................................................................... I I I W rite in margin the names o f friends . who m ight be interested. ......................................................353........

T T has been made easy, simple and in- expensive for you to see, in the com­ pany of -conservative, congenial compan­ ions^ the same places the Saviour saw 1900 years ago. A party of readers of T he K ing ’ s B usiness is-being organized to join James Boring’s Annual Cruise to the Mediterranean, H o l y L a n d and Europe. An entire ship, the swift new S. S. Doric of the White Star Line, has been chartered, and on February 8, 1928, we will sail from New York for the trip of a lifetime. All the difficulties attendant upon trav­ eling in foreign countries have been re­ moved. Even the most confirmed, “stay- at-home” may now visit the lands rich in history, art and religion, and have the same comforts as at home. When our giant ship arrives in port, special trains or specially chartered motor cars will be SEND THE COUPON Send the coupon or a letter or a postcard today for full details of the party of readers of The King’s Business which will join James Boring’s Annual Cruise to the Mediterranean, H oly Land and Europe. Let us tell you of the glorious, happy days you will have at sea, the inspiration and the Christian good fellow ­ ship that will be yours during every hou r.of the tour. We will send you, w ithout charge, a beautifully illustrated booklet, cabin dia­ grams and every detail in regard to prices and accommodations. Send the coupon today.

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