King's Business - 1927-09

September 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

upon Holy Scripture. The work is done in humble faith in One Eternal God, who created all things good, and for the pur­ pose of combatting unbelief by directing attention to the evidences of Divine care for man as supplied by Science, History and Religion. Some of the greatest schol­ ars of Great Britain have served as presi­ dent of this society. The present incum­ bent is Professor J. A. Fleming, who writes this short treatise on thè question of Evolution and Revelation. The thesis ' which he attempts to up­ hold, is that whatever the method of cre­ ation, we can not possibly avoid the ne­ cessity for a perpetually active Directive intelligence. All growth requires guid­ ance, and the ultimate sources of both growth and development are the thought and will of an ever-acting Supreme Di­ vine Intelligence, and not impersonal un- self-conscious energies of forces. In short, this universe is a thought rather than a thing, and thought implies and necessitates a thinker. The great question to be decided is : Are we to look for the final cause of all things to a thought in a mind not our own, or to a self-ordering quality in that external universe which is the cause of thought in our minds? He has no hesi­ tancy in definitely answering that the final cause is in a mind not our own. The pamphlet is a very able and sim­ ple statement by an outstanding scholar and scientist for the position that what­ ever the method of creation the deepest and best things require a Creator and, therefore, science faces thè position taken by the Bible that, “In the bèginning God created the heavens and the earth.’1 It is a pamphlet that might well be read thoughtfully by the Evolutionist who thinks Evolution explains everything, and by the man who finds it difficult to see how a man could possibly believe in Evo­ lution and be a Christian at the same time. S-J.. M. M. The Basis of Christian Faith R ev . F loyd E. H am ilto n , T h . M. Published by George H. Doran and Company, price $2.25 net. Professor Hamilton has made a very valuable contribution to the literature of Christian apologetics in this simple and yet scholarly book on the basis of Chris­ tian faith. It is the work of one who knows the thought of our day and is able to intelligently discuss the facts of the Christian faith for young men and wo­ men who may have difficulties regarding these facts. He begins with a discussion of the reason, and then goes on through a con­ sideration of the universe and the reasons why we must believe in God, and in a very able way discusses the world and its origin, showing the reasonableness of the supernatural. What he has to say on the question of Evolution is very sane and helpful. He makes a distinction between the theories which are opposed to the Bible and those which may be made to harmonize with it. But, as far as he is concerned himself, he shows the reason why he can not ac­ cept any theory that does not make defi­ nite provision for special creation. He finds no cause or combination of causes known to Science capable of producing


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