King's Business - 1927-09

September 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

DoYouMake theseMistakes inENGLISH? Free Yourself of embarrassing m istakes in speaking and w riting. Wonderful new invention autom atically finds and cor­ rects your m istakes; gives you a powerful m astery of language in only 15 m inutes a day:

Evolution, and he finds no evidences froth Geology to show that Evolution has oc­ curred in the past, but, on the contrary, finds much evidence to show that all forms of life lived together on the earth, each in its appropriate locality, through­ out all geological history. He concludes that the theory of Organic Evolution is false. He says: “We may leave the time and the manner of the creation of the earth to those who wish to speculate about it, but the important thing for us to remember is that God was the one who created it.” This is a wise word and would save our young people a great deal of intellectual trouble if they could only see their way clear to accept it; His chapters on the nature,, trust­ worthiness and integrity of the Bible are very fine. Indeed, taking it all together, we know of no book that we would rath­ er put in the hands of young people of the high school and college age than this one by Professor Hamilton; The Evan­ gelical Church owes him a debt of grat­ itude for the fine way in which he has done this bit of defense work.—J.M.M. .—O— New Bible Helps for Young Folks The Oxford University Press has: brought together a novel collection of Bible material that should be most useful in getting and holding the attention , of the young. It furnishes some direct methods by which the young of the Sunday school or home circle may be brought -to know the Scriptures.- Four thousand questions and answers occupy the greatest part of the book. These cover Old and New Testament history. Other features; a re : outline of the Bible contents; brief studies of Bible characters; picture stories of Moses, David, Christ, and Paul; Bible geography, constructive questions regarding the Bihle as a whole; select memory passages.—K. L. B. Miss Thurston, the author of “The Open Gate to Prayer,” has now given us, through Revell Company, another study in the practice of prayer. It is a work that will be especially appealing to young people, revealing to them the open door to the great adventure of life, which is communion with God. Almost every phase of prayer is dealt with in a concise and informing way. The book is so ar­ ranged as to form a course of lessons cc&ering one quarter. Each of its 13 chapter topics is followed by a page of discussion questions and comment. The book will certainly stimulate its readers to pray. Price $1.00—K. L. B. The Adventure of Prayer B y M abel N. T hurston Dr. Knott is professor of homiletics at Eugene Bible University and has evi­ dently sensed the need of a concise set­ ting forth of the fundamentals of sermon construction. He has done so in such a way that the principles can be grasped readily by young preachers. We believe the book will be useful as well to experienced preachers, who are sometimes prone to forget the first prin­ ciples of effective preaching. The va- — o — How to Prepare a Sermon By H arold E. K nott

riöus types of Sermons are discussed, and one is taught how to outline, develop and conclude a message. $1.00 is the price of the book, the publishers being The Stan­ dard Press, Cincinnati, Ohio.—K. L. B. “When Knights are Cold” A clever title to a new book put out by The Christopher Publishing House of Boston ($1.25). C. Bliss Clark, author of “Our Class,” previously reviewed, has adopted the un­ usual in putting over her message by a series of letters written in: such a per­ sonal vein that one is easily led on as the tale unfolds. Little Alethea lived through sad mis­ handling by a guardian, (ess), showing how choice children can be nearly ruined by those entirely lacking in true mother instinct. The story vividly portrays the heroic side of the lives, of some missionaries as they try to serve the Lord in a foreign land and bring up and, educate a family away across oceans, under comparative strangers. A good book for Church and Sunday school libraries.—H. C. H. The Christ of the Gospels H enry C lay M orrison Published by Fleming H. Revell Company Price $1.00 This is a little volume of ten short ser­ mons on faith and life by the editor of The Pentecostal Herald. They are ser­ mons which .the author tells us have been used and blessed in evangelistic meetings. The book takes its title from the initial sermon, and all of the rest of the short, earnest and helpful addresses are filled with a spirit of fine devotion to “The Christ of the Gospels.” The book is sound in its theology without being bit­ ter, and-scholarly without being dry. It is sane, inspiring, constructive and readable. It is convincing in its presentation of truth, and refreshing in its faithful expo­ sition of Scripture.—F. M. C. — o — - An Outline Course in Bible Study A da T hurman T errill Published by Fleming H. Revell Company Price $1.00 Mrs. Terrill is an experienced teacher of Bible in a school for girls in Dallas, Texas. This very excellent outline is designed especially for use in secondary schools, but would be equally helpful to classes of young people anywhere, or for individual Bible students of any age. The book avoids all interpretation, but takes the student directly to the Bible, leaving each free to draw his own con­ clusion. The outlines, which cover in one hun­ dred and fifty lessons most of the Old and New Testaments, are simple, but carefully and discriminatingly prepared. They are accompanied by excellent teach­ ing suggestions and helpful notes indi­ cating courses of outside material. There are a number of appendices which are also very helpful. It is suggestive, adapt­ able and comprehensive, and deserves a wide circulation among Bible teachers and students.—F. M. C.

Many persons say, “Did you hear from him today?” They should say, “Have you heard from him today?” Some spell calendar "calender” or “calan- der.” Still others say, “between you and I” instead of “between you and me.” It is astonishing how many persons use “who” for "whom” and mispronounce the simplest words. Few know whether to spell certain words with one or two “c's” or “m's” or “r's,” or with “ie” or "ei.” Most persons use only common words—colorless, flat, ordinary. Their speech and their letters


are lifeless, monotonous, humdrum. Every time they talk Dr write they show themselves lacking in the essential points of English. Every time you talk, every time you write, you show what you are. When you use the wrong word, when you mispronounce a word, when you punctuate incorrectly, when you use flat, ordinary words, you‘handicap yourself enormously. A striking command of English enables you to present your ideas clearly, forcefully, convincingly. If your language is incorrect it hurts you more than you will ever know, for people are too polite to tell you about your mistakes. W onde rfu l New Inven tion For many years Mr. Cody studied the problem of creating instinctive habits of using good English. After countless experiments he finally invented a simple method by which you can acquire a better command of the Eng­ lish language in only 15 minutes a day. Now you can stop making the mistakes which have been hurting you. Mr. Cody's students have secured more improvement in five weeks than had previously been obtained by other pupils in two years! Learn by H ab it— Not by Rules Under old methods rules are memorized, but correct habits are not formed. Finally the rules themselves are forgotten. The new Sherwin Cody method provides for .the formation of correct habits by; constantly calling attention only to the mistakes you yourself make—and then showing you the right way, without asking you to memorize any rules. One of the wonderful things about Mr. Cody’s ■course is the speed with which .these habit-forming practice drills can be carried^ out. You can write the answers to fifty questions in 15 minutes and correct your work in 5 minutes more. The drudgery and work of copying have been ended by Mr. Cody! You concentrate always on your own mistakes until it becomes “second nature” to speak and write correctly. FREE Book on English A command of polished and effective English denotes education and culture. It wins friends and favorably impresses those with whom you come in contact. In business and in social life correct English gives you added advantages and better opportunities, while poor English handicaps you more than you will ever realize. And now, in only 15 minutes a day—in your own home —you can actually see yourself improve by using the 100 %.self-correcting method. A new book explaining Mr. Cody's remarkable method is ready. If you are ever embarrassed by mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, or if you cannot instantly command the exact words with which to express your ideas, this new free book, “How to Speak and Write* Masterly English,” will prove a reve­ lation to you. Send the coupon or a letter or postal card for it now. SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL of ENGLISH 739 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH 739 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. Please send me your free book, “How to Speak and Write Masterly English.” Name.................................................................................. Address..................................;...................................... City....................................................................... ............

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