King's Business - 1927-09


September 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

needed; maturity and education. These we are gaining when we use the:ordinances of religion aright. We are feeding upon the Bread of Life, that we may grow into the stature and strength of- spiritual men; we are learning what the will of the Lord is, and how best it may be accomplished in the world outside. When the ear(h shall have been transformed into the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city of the Great King, our period of nurture and tuition will be ended, and we shall no longer need the ,church, either as h: nursery or a school. Hence in that day there will be no temple,, Perfected in strength and in knowledge, we shall serve God i in the city with all the wisdom of our consummated humanity. 'Till that time arrives it is ours to live out before our fellowmen the lessons which we learn in His earthly courts. ST. PAUL was, as a rule, a very modest and self-deprecia- tive man. He describes himself as the chief of sinnershe declares hitnself to be unworthy the position of an apostle; he says: “In me, that is in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.” But he finds one sure ground .of boasting and of confidence—-he has “kept the faith,” and because of that there is laid up for him a crown of lifel, Here is the true groundwork of every believer’s hope; this should be the unceasing aim of every professed follower of Christ. To “contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints,” is thellrst duty of every Christian man and woman; to “hold fast the-profession of our faith without wavering,” to allow no powers1of hell_to cause our trust to falter; to be led astray by no corpse light of human heresy. While we do this, we are safe.: We may have to .mourn (and ought to mourn) over our imperfections and our sins. There may be many things in our hearts and lives to cause us disquietude; we may feel that we fall very short of the standard of oiir high calling; but we need never despair while we can truly say: “I have kept the faith.”;1 For it is by faith that we are saved; that, and that alone, is the secret of spiritual and eternal security. That, and that alone, secures fhe unfading diadem—“Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a;crowri of life.” ' Fidelity, not per­ fection, is the one and only condition of immortality. The “goodi fight” is the fight of faith : we need to remember this in these days of much infidelity and of many doctrines of devils. MARY was a true prophetess; to this day we speak of her as “the blessed” (i.e., “the happy”) Virgin Mary, To what, then, was her happiness due? Simply to her whole-souled, un­ grudging surrender to .the Divine will. At any cost to herself ; at the risk of being misjudged and maligned; in spite of the probable loss of her reputation and her betrothed,-she was will­ ing to fulfil the purposes of her God. Her womanhood must have shrunk (how deeply who can tell?) from all that was involved in the announcement of the archangel, but her piety knew no hesitation; it was enough for her that so JEHOVAH willed it. This is ever the way to blessedness. The richest wine of life flows for those who, without a murmur, pick up and carry the burdensome waterpots of fears because “He said it.” Had Mary hesitated, faltered, parleyed, refused, the probability is that some other. Jewish maiden would have been chosen for what was in reality the highest post of honor open to woman­ hood, and become the mother of Christ. These things were “written for our learning;” happy are we if we are able to take their lessons to heart; thrice blessed shall we also be if, in the hour of trial, we are ready to say to God: “Be it unto me accord- S eptember 24. “I have kept the faith ."—2 Tim. 4:7. S eptember 25. “A ll generations shall call me blessed ,"-—Luke 1:48.

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