King's Business - 1927-09

September 1®27

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

T h e


S eptember 28. “Break up your fallow .ground .”—Hosea 10:12.

“Best” Books

WHAT a fool that man would be who should sow his field with poppies, thistles and tares. Yet he is equally unwise who allows the garden of his soul to go untended and uncultivated. For where we neither plough nor plant, the weeds are sure to grow. Thorns and briers, shall cumber the merely neglected ground as surely as though we set them there ourselves. Flowers of spiritual loveliness and fruits of righteousness do not spring forth spontaneously in the human heart and life. True, they are “the fruit of the Spirit” and we, with all our efforts, are not able to produce them unaided; but that is true also of the corn, yet we do not sit idle all the year and expect a harvest without sowing and without toil. If we would have Christian characters we must cultivate them. “There are no gains without pains,” is as true in the realm of religion as it is in that of education or of business. If a man be too busy, too careless, too idle to use the means of grace; if he never strives to eradicate the roots of evil from his',.nature; if he neglects the Bible and the Sanctuary; if he has no time to enter into his chamber and shut to the door; if he will neither water his garden nor break up his fallow ground; then his heart will be like the field of the slpthful-Ja'Lo, it .was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof.” Moral poverty shall come upon such a man “as one that travelleth,” and spiritual want “as an armed man.” These results, like the law of the seedtime and the harvest, are inevitable. OF the angel'host we know but little. They are an order of celestial beings created, apparently, before man took his place upon the earth. Some of them were disobedient, and fell from their high estate, which teaches us that no privilege arid no position insures immunity from the power of temptation and the consequences of sin. That those who remain do the will of God perfectly, we know from the fact that we have been taught to pray that that will may be doné on earth as it is done in heaven. But we, are most concerned with the angelic ministry. Not always do they stand before the Father’s face crying “Holy, holy, holy” ; their very name suggests a mission, for “angel” signifies “messenger.” Their chief business appears to be concerned with men. They are “ministering spirits,'sent ,forth,.to minister to them that shall be heirs of salvation.” How much we owe to their guardian care, it is impossible to say. The air is probably full of the invisible servants of God, passing and re-passing upon their errands of protection and of help. “He shall give his angels charge over thee,” is no poetic fiction, but a glorious truth. It would seem almost as though they had been created for the special purpose of thus ministering to man. In our blindness we cannot see the horses and chariots of fire which encircle us with a wall of safety in the presence of our foes; we do not feel: the tender hands that bear us up, lest we should dash our feet against a stone; but they are there none the less. For this let us render thanks to Him at Whose bidding they come, and trust the love of which their presence is another proof. S eptember 29. "An innumerable company of angels/'Mpleb. 12:22,

— for Teachers of Adult Classes The Ideal Adult Class in the Sunday School B y A m o s R . W ells T h is v o lum e is a re g u la r little e n c y c lo p e d ia of p r in ­ cip les a n d m e th o d s fo r a d u lt classes. It is b a se d u p o n lo n g , p r a c tic a l e x p e rie n c e , a n d g a th e rs u p a la rg e n u m ­ b e r of a rtic le s o n th e s u b je c t w h ic h h av e a p p e a re d in th e S u n d a y sc h o o l m a g a z in e s o f se v e ra l d e n o m in a tio n s, in ­ c lu d in g th e B a p tist a n d M eth o d ist, b u t m ain ly in T h e A d u lt B ible C lass M a g azin e of th e C o n g re g a tio n a lists, a n d T h e W e s tm in s te r A d u lt B ible C lass of th e P re s b y ­ te ria n s. B o a rd 7 5 c e n ts The “How” Book By Marshall A. Hudson The Men’s Class in Action

By F. Harvey Morse A complete manual for adult class leaders, supplying full and exact information on how to organize and conduct adult classes. Nine of' the fifteen chapters are devoted to the work of officers other than the teacher— men upon whom the responsibility for the contin­ ued existence of the class de­ pends. W ritten w ith ability and rare good judgment, and illustrated w ith form s and charts. 247 pages; Cloth $1.50 A book for pastors, super­ intendents, teachers and par­ ents, containing practical plans and helpful suggestions for graded evangelistic edu­ cation and graded evangelis­ tic appeal in the Sunday school, and to b r i n g the scholar a t the earliest possible moment into an intim ate re­ lationship to Christ as Sav­ ior and Friend, and to launch and guide that life into chan­ nels of fruitful service. Cloth $1.50 Plans for Sunday School Evangelism By Frank L. Brown

The author of this volume has brought over 300,000 men into the Sunday school for or­ ganized effort and system atic Bible study and is, therefore, well qualified to tell you how to run your Bible class. In a simple, instructive and inter­ esting manner he tells— How to reach men; How to hold men; How to teach men; How to w in men; and How it has been done. Cloth 75 cents The Adult Bible Class By W . C. Pearce This is a practical .-book, written by a practical man who has studied the problems of the Adult Department and worked out the solutions in the laboratory of personal ex­ perience and wide observation. This is not a book for the shelf, but for your work table —a Manual' of Methods to be consulted by the teacher as a student consults his diction­ ary. Board 65 cents

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By W illiam F ra n c is B e rg e r T h e c h a p te rs o f th is b o o k w e re d eliv ered as le c tu re - ta lk s to T e a c h e rs ’ T ra in in g C lasses a t v a rio u s tim es a n d p laces. T h e y w e re p re p a re d as a re su lt of th e co n v ic ­ tio n th a t th e g re a t c o m p a n y o f S u n d a y sch o o l te a c h e rs of o u r c h u rc h e s sh o u ld be, a b o v e e v e ry th in g else, w in ­ n e rs of so u ls. A c a re fu l re a d in g of th is sp le n d id v o lum e w ill b e tte r fit th e S u n d a y sc h o o l te a c h e r fo r th is id eal se rv ice. C lo th $ 1 .2 5 Every-Member Evangelism By J. E. Conant My Life and the Story of the Gospel Hymns By Ira D. Sankey power of sacred song. It not only gives an interesting a c ­ count of the author’s m inistry as a preacher of the Gospel by song, but it also gives the history of hundreds of the fa­ mous old hymns w ith which you are familiar. A splendid book for the Sunday school li­ brary. 410 pages; Cloth $2.00 If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. Send for a free copy of our complete Catalog of Books, Booklets, Tracts, etc. The Church today needs a revival of praying, preaching, and personal testim ony to the intent of reaching and w in­ ning the lo st to a living faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This book which Dr. Conant has w ritten should have a wide reading, for it will w ithout doubt encourage just those re­ sults. Be sure to order one or more copies of this impor­ tant book. Cloth $1.50 This is the simple but sub­ lime story of the quickening, converting and sanctifying

S eptember 30. “O sing unto the LORD a new song." —Ps. 98 :1.

LET there be variety in your offerings of praise. Look around for some fresh blessing to form the subject of your Te Dcum. They will not be far to seek:

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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