420 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH NURSING - LABORATORY (4) Theory and concurrent laboratory experience in clini cal facilities for the promotion of mental health , prevention of mental illness, nurturing , curat ive and rehabilitative aspec ts of nursing with Nutrition and Pharmacology integrated th roughout. The one-to-one relationship, group , and ot her therapeutic approaches analyzed and utilized. Development of beg inning skills in assessment of community menta l health problems and in problem so lving. Eighteen hours laboratory. Fee $10.00. 430 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING - LECTURE (4) Health and illness in the community as related to Primary , Secondary , and Tertiary Prevention and Epidem io logy including nursing intervention and assessment of individuals and families. The applica ti on of the philosophy and scope of family-community hea lth based on a study of families from cultures different from that of the student ; hard core multiproblem families, the culture of poverty , fam ilies wi th communi cable diseases , MCH families and others; patterns of health and disease of community and preventive and control measure , hea lth education, rehabilitat ion , and related prob lems . Prerequisite: 402 or acceptable equi valent. 430 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING - LABORATORY (4) Theory and concurrent laboratory experience in community fac ilities , applying the nu rs ing process in the hea lth care system in identifying a nd caring fo r those in health and illness with Nutrition and Phamiaco logy integrated. Public Health Agencies and Visiting Nurse Association with individual and group projects , including health education , community assessment of public health problems and so lutions. Eighteen hours laboratory. Fee $10.00.
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