100 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ORIENTATION (1) Required of all enter ing stude nts. Orientation to Phy sical Educat ion; its place, purpose, and impor tance to the individual ; instructi on and laboratory ex pe riences in phys ica l fitne ss with discussion of
total fitness; g uid ance in the se lec ti on of subseq uent act ivity classes. 110 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (1)
Fundamental techniques of indi vid ual sk ill s, basic strategy and rul es. Archery and badminton. bowling, conditioning. go lf, basketball, tennis, tumbling and gymnas tics, volleyball. May be re peated. 117 JUNIOR VARSITY AND FRESHMEN ATHLETICS (1) For intercollegiate at hl etic teams at juni or vars ity and freshmen level. Enro llment during registration period necessary. 118 VARSITY ATHLETICS (1) Reserved for interco ll eg iate athletic teams. Enrollment during the reg istration peri od necessary. 120 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES-Women (1) Fundamental techniques of indi vidu al sk ill s , basic strategy and rules. Field hockey, soccer , softball and track , s limnast ics, field spo rt s. May be repeated. 130 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES-Men (1) Fundamental techniques of indi vidual skill s, bas ic strategy and rul es. Flag football, soccer , softball , track and field, wrestling, body building. May be repeated. 132 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1) Individ ual program of activities to meet the physical deve lopment needs of a st udent. 133 GAMES AND RHYTHMIC ACTIVITIES (1) Games of low to hi gh orga nizati on for grades K through 12. Basic rh ythmical activities with emphas is on development of bas ic motor ski ll s. 140 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES-AQUATICS (1) Fundamental and advanced techniques of individual ski ll s. Life sav ing , swimming, water safety instruction. Prerequisite for WSI: Valid ARC sen ior Life Saving Certificate or equi valent. May be repeated. 150 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (1) Advanced sk ill s, individual and team strategy and rules in gymnast ics, go lf, tenn is, soccer, basket ball, vo ll eyba ll . May be repeated. 201 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (1) Games , bas ic rhythmic sk ill s , and physical ac ti vi ties designed for the e lement ary child ; preparation for the upper division professional methods course in the teaching of physical educat ion. 210 INTRODUCTION TO CAMPING (2) History and objectives of camping; overv iew of field and re lat ionship to home, church , and schoo l; basic campi ng ski ll s and activit ies presented and demonstrated. Mi nimal field experie nce required . 220 CAMP EDUCATION SKILLS (1) One or mo re areas of study offered each semes ter. Development of fundamental sk ill s in each area; basic safety and emerge ncy procedures. Field taught. Backpacking , bicycling, canoe ing/kayaking. cross-country ski ing , outdoor survival , rock c limbing, sa iling, scuba , wilderness camping. Fee: $15.00 .
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