230 CAMP EDUCATION SKILLS (1) One or more areas of study offered each semester. Investigation into theory of sk ill ; purchase and maintenance of eq uipment; use of ski ll in interdisciplinary instruction in camping environment. Field taught. Backpacking, bicycling, canoeing/kayaking , cross-country sk iing , outdoor surv ival, rock climbing , sail ing, scuba , wilderness camping. Prerequis ite: 220. Fee $ 15.00. 240 CAMP EDUCATION SKILLS (1) Intermediate level in the sk ill and practical experience in its use to camp education . Field taught. Backpacking, bicycling , canoeing/kayaki ng , cross-country ski ing, outdoor surviva l , rock c limbing, ,tn~ si uba , wilderness campi ng_. Prerequisite: 230. Fee: $ 15 .00. 0 301 KINESIOLOGY (3) <.;) Human movement with emphasis on the structure and func ti on of the skeleta l , muscular , and nervous systems, with simpl e mechanical principles in vo lved in movement sk ill s . Prereq ui site: Bio logy 232. A lternate years, offered 1976-77. 302 PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE (3) Immediate and long-range effects of muscu lar activity on the human organisms. Prerequisite: Biology 232. Alternate years, offered 1976-77. 305 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) A hi storical review of physical ed ucation and sports; objectives of physical ed ucati on; development of a basic philosophy and background fo r professional education. Alternate years, offered I976-77. 306 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2) Element ary schoo l physical educat ion procedures inc luding postural and rhyt hmic exerc ises, funda mentals of games , techniques covering the s imples t primary ski ll s through the more d iffic ult seasona l sports. such as baseball, basketball, football , and vo ll eyball ; development of a program of physical ed ucat ion on the e lement ary schoo l level. Alte rn ate years, offered I976-77. 308 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Men) (2) Rules , scoring, and mechanics of officiating at hl eti c event s; selec ted ac tivities and prac tice in ac tu al offic iat ing required. Alternate years, offered 1976- 77. 309 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Women) (2) Rul es, sco ring, and mechani cs of officiating athletic events; se lected ac tivities and practice in actual offic iat ing required. Alternate years, offered 1976-77. 310 ANALYSIS OF SOCCER (Men) (2) Emphasis o n the analys is and teaching of indi vidu al sk ill s and team play; var ious techniques of offensive and defensive tact ics a nd strategy. Prerequisite: I IO. Alte rnate yea rs, offered 1975-76 . 311 ANALYSIS OF BASKETBALL (Men) (2) Hi story, rules. e lementary mastery of indi vidual and team pl ay. and methods of teach ing basketball.
Prereq uis ite: I IO or I 50. A lte rn ate years, offered I 976-77. 312 ANALYSIS OF TRACK AND FIELD (Men) (2)
Rul es governing individual e ve nts and the conduc t of meets; e lemen ta l mastery of fo rm ; mechanical principles involved; methods of coaching the vari ous events. Prerequisite: I30. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 313 ANALYSIS OF BASEBALL (Men) (2) Hi story, rules , nome nc lature , care of fi e ld; e lement a l mastery o f each position, inc luding -base running. s liding and base coaching; offensive and defensive play; strategy and me thods of coaching softball. Alternate years. offered I976-77.
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