314 ANALYSIS OF WRESTLING (Men) (2) Essent ial techniques of wrest ling; development of a team; condit ioning and conduct of practice sess ions ; mechanical principles whi ch govern performance. Prerequisite: I 30. Alternate years, offe red. 1975-76. 316 ANALYSIS OF TEACHING INDIVIDUAL AND TEAM SPORTS (2) A theory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with teaching progress ion, practice techniques, se lection and care of equipment for se lected sport activit ies. Prerequisite: Completion of all required I 00 level courses. Alternate years, offered I 976-77. 317 ANALYSIS OF FOOTBALL (Men) (2) Analys is of teach ing indiv idual sk ill s and team play; various techniques of offensive and defensive tactics and strategy. Alternate years, offered I 976-77. 320 ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS I (Women) (2) The organizat ion and conduct of tenni s, badminton , and archery competition , progression dr ill s , and practice techniques; coaching; selection and care of equipment . Prerequi site : I 10. Alternate years, offered I 975-76. 321 ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS II (Women) (2) The organization and co nduct of aq uatics, go lf, gymnas tics; balance and posture. Prerequisite: I 10 , 120, 140. Alternate years, offered 1975 -76. 322 ANALYSIS OF TEAM SPORTS (Women) (3) A theory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with progression, practice techniques , se lection and care of equipment, and the teaching of field sports , vo ll eyball , basketball , and softbal l. Prerequisite: I 10 , 150. Alternate years, offered 1976-77. 324 ANALYSIS OF RHYTHMICAL ACTIVITIES (Women) (2) Instructional material s and methods sui table for all areas of rhythmical act ivit ies. Prerequis ite: I I 0 , 20 I. Alternate years , offered I 975-76. 330 PSYCHOLOGY OF COACH ING (2) Analysis of facto rs in coaching in areas of motivation, att itude fo rmation and behavior , leadership , and techniques of coaching . 400 ADMINISTRATION AND PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Impl ementing the activity program through proper organization; use of tests and meas urements; purchase and care of equipment ; pub lic relations at all levels; aux iliary acti vity programs offered by organi zat ions outside the school; the place of the intram ural and inter-school program; development of principl es which serve as a basis of the profess ion. Lecture/demonstrations team taught with cooperat ing departments . Alternate years, offered 1976-77 . 404 CARE AND PREVENTION OF ATHLETIC INJURIES (3) Theory and practice of principles and techniques pertaining to athletic conditioning; care of athl eti c injuries. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 405 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Analysis of the principles underlying the phys ical ed ucation program for the handicapped; survey of spec ific disabilities and the implications of each fo r physical ed ucation. Alternate years , offered 1976-77. 406 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Lecture , laboratory and field experience in the development, evaluation, and application of tests in health and physical education; use and interpretation of elementary statist ics . Alternate years , offered 1975-76.
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