409 CAMP ADMINISTRATION (2) Applicati on o f administrati on and leadership principl es to campi ng . Take n conc urre ntl y with lec ture/ demonstrati on sess ions of 4D0 or in foll ow ing semes ters . 410 CAMP COUNSELING (2) The obj ec tives of camping; coun se lor personality and qual ificati ons; the applicati on o f counse ling techniques to the camping ' situati on; preparati on in var ious camping ac ti vities , crafts , and spec ial prog ram areas particularl y related to counselor- centered camping . 411 PHILOSOPHICAL, EDUCATIONAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS (3) Analy sis of foundati ons o f camping essenti al to the integrati on of camp administ rati on and ed uca tional activiti es . Evaluati on of functi ons and programs in light of integ rating fac tors . 412 FIELD WORK (3) Admini strati ve ex perience demonstrating the student 's ability in integrating principl es a nd skills from all areas of study . F ield experience under fac ulty and camp staff supervision and evaluati on. 417 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION (2) Applicati on of admini strati on and leadership princ iples to recreati on. Take n co ncurrentl y with 400 or in foll owing semesters . 418 RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP (2) Bas ic qualifications of the success ful leader of recreati onal groups; aims of a success ful program; techniques of organi zing and admini stering the prog ram. Recomme nded fo r youth club leaders and directors, and playground and c amp assi stants . 470 RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION , AND CAMPING (1-3) Indepe ndent study, readings, and/or resea rch in the fie lds. Seni or standing with consent and co nsulta tion. Maximum of 6 units .
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