
Department of Physical Sciences

Professor: Kurtz (chairman), Stephens Associate Professor: Rynd

PHYSICAL SCIENCES All laborato ry cou rses in physical sc iences have a $15.00 laboratory fee.

Objecrives: The Physical Sc ience major is designed to give a student some breadth in the physical sc iences. Within the major a student may emphasize biochemistry , chem istry , or physics. The major serves as preparation for teaching chemistry or physics in secondary schools and as pre-professional training for the medical or techni cal fie lds. Engineering: Students who plan to study engineering may fulfill the first two years of the req uirements of many e ngineer ing schoo ls by taking the fo ll owing cou rses. Chemistry : 105, 106 Mathematical Science: 105, 106, 205, 206 Physics: 2 1 I , 222 Departmenr major: One of three areas may be emphas ized. These are: biochemistry , chem istry, or physics. Physical Science majors are exempt from the general education requirement of eight units of Science and/or Mathematical Sc ie nces. Biochemistry emphasis, course requirements: (Pre-med recommendation)

Chemistry: 105 , 106 , 30 I , 302 , 402, 41 1, 4 12 Mathematical Sciences: 105. 106, 205 , 206 Physics: 21 1, 222, 3 units elective Biology: I3 units of recommended elect ives

Chemistry emphas is, course requirements: Chemistry: 105 , 106,30 1, 302 , 402

Mathematical Sciences: 105. 106, 205, 206, 430 Physics: 2 1 I, 222 , 331 , 3 units e lectives

Physics emphas is, course requirements: Chemistry: 105 , 106 , 301 , 402

Mathematical Sciences: 105, 106, 205, 206 . 294, 430 Physics: 21 I, 222 , 31 1, 322 , 331 , 332 , 341 , 450 Departmelll Minor in Physical Science: Consists of Chem ist ry I05 and I06 , Physics 2 11 and 222, and 6 units of electives in chemistry and/or physics. Departmenr Minor in Chemisrry: 23 units, 13 of whi ch must be upper division.


An introduction to t he physica l sciences for non-sc ience majors. Experimenta l facts and physical theo ry appropr iate to the properties and structure of matter, geo logy, meteorology and astronomy. Eit her semes ter. 101 PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY-LABORATORY (1) Int roductory laboratory work designed to accompany Physical Science Survey lecture. Must be taken concurrently with lecture. Three hours laboratory . Either semester.


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