
GORDON KIRK Instructor in Biblical Studies , 1974 B.A., Biola Co ll ege; M.Div. , Th.M . Talbo t Theological Seminary. PAUL KULD Ass istant Professor of Biology , 1969 B.A., M.A., California State Universit y, Long Beach. NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of Biblical Studies, 1959 B.A., Grace Co ll ege; Th.B., B.D. , Th.M , Th.D. , Grace Theological Seminary. PETER KURTZ Professor of Physics , 1968 B.S .. M.S. , Un ivers ity of Missouri; Ph .D. , Univers ity of California, Los Ange les. LLOYD E. KWAST Associate Professor of Missions, 1972 Diploma , Grand Rapids Bible Co ll ege; B.A. , California Baptist Theoligical Semimary; B.D. , M.R.E. , Amer ican Bapti st Seminary of the West; M.A. , D .M iss., Fuller Theological Seminary. LA MONT LEE Assistant Professor of Psycho logy, 1974 Diploma. Northwest Nazarene Co ll ege; Diploma , Uni vers ity of Washington; B.A . , Seattle Pacific College; M.'A .. Full er Theo log ical Seminary; Ph.D ., Fuller Theo logical Seminary Graduate School of Psychology. E . STANLEY LEONARD Associate Professor of Christi an Educati on , 1966 B .A. , Th .B .. Fort Wayne Bibl e Co ll ege, M.R.E. , Biblical Seminary , M .A., New York Universi­ ty . VERN LEWIS Professo r of Psychology , 1965-69 , 197 I B.A. , Biola Co ll ege; M.A. , California State University , Fullerton; Ph.D. , C laremont Gradu ate School. BARRY LIESCH In structor in Music, 1974 B .M. , University of British Co lumbia; M.A. , State Univers ity of New York at Binghamton. ROBERTS. LIVINGSTON Professor of Bus iness Administration , 1967 B .A . , Stanford University ; M .B .A., Harvard Graduate School of Bus iness Administration. WILLIAM LOCK Associate Professor of Musi c, 1964 A.R.C.T., Roya l Conservatory of Music , B.M. , M.M., MacPhail Co ll ege of Mus ic ; D.M.A. , University of Southern California. GRANT LOGAN Ass istant Professor of Art , 1969 B .F .A., M.F .A. , University of Arizona. FRANCES YE-MEI YU LU Professor of Ma.thematics, 1967 B.S . , Yenching University, Peiping, Ch in a; M.S. , Ph .D., Ohio State Uni versity.


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