103 GENERAL GEOLOGY (3) Int roduc ti on to the princ ipl es of geo logy and related earth sc iences; nature of geo logical process; earth hi sto ry as interpreted by uni fo nnitari an and catastrophi st geo logy. 11 0 ASTRONOMY (3) An introductory course; the earth-moon system and the pl ane ts; stars and stell ar systems, nebul ae, galax ies; telescopes and the ir accessori es .
Elementary Newtoni an mechani cs; co nservati on of energy and momentum; osc ill ati ons; fluid s and wave moti on . Prerequi site : Mathemati cal Sc ie nces 105 . Three hours lec ture. three hours laboratory. 222 GENERAL PHYSICS: ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM (4) Elec tros tatics; conducto rs and currents; magneti c fie lds; e lectromagnet ic induc ti on; e lec tromagne ti c waves. Prerequi sites : 2 1I . Mathematica l Sc ie nces I06. Three hours lec ture, three hours laboratory . 311 ANALYTIC MECHANICS (3) Newtoni an , Legrangian and Hamiltoni an mechani cs. One, two, and many parti cle systems. Pre requi site: 2 1 I. 322 CIRCUITS AND INSTRUMENTATION (3) Alternating curre nt c ircuits, vac uum tube and transistor charac teristi cs . ampli fiers, osc ill ators. and c ircuits commo nl y found in sc ientific instruments . Prerequi site: 222. 331 THERMODYNAMICS (3) Int roduc ti on to e nergy, heat , wo rk, entrophy, temperature and states of matter. The first, seco nd, and third laws of thermodyamics with an emphas is on appl icati ons. Prerequisite : 2 11 . 332 STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICS (3) Int roduc ti on to the theory o f thermodynamics from a microscopic sta ti stica l point of view . Appli ca tion to the perfec t d iatomic gas, _perfec t monatomic crystal , perfect elec tron gas, and photon gas. Chemical equilibrium and the phase rul e. Prerequis ite: 33 1. 341 OPTICS (3) The phenomena of d iffr acti on , interference and po larization of light and the ir application . Geometri ca l me thods applied to the opti cs of mirror , lenses, and prism. Prerequis ite: 222. 450 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE (3) Vary ing course content acco rd ing to student and fac ulty interes t. Topics such as qu antum mechani cs, spec ial relati vity, and nuc lear physics routinely o ffered.
Princ iples and theories of ge neral , organic, and biological chemistry and the ir applicati ons to med ic ine . Four hours lec ture, three hours laboratory . Prerequi site: High schoo l chemistry. 105, 106 GENERAL CHEMISTRY (5, 5) Princ iples and theo ries o f atomic structure, chemical bonding and chemical reactivit y; ther modynamics, chemical kine ti cs, and electro-chemi stry . Laboratory emphasizes qu antitati ve aspec ts of physical and inorgani c chemistry . Three hours lec ture, four hours laboratory (includes one hour discussion ). Prerequis ite: High schoo l chemistry.
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