301 , 302 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (5, 5) Structure and react ivity o f carbon cont a ining compound s; emphas is given to mechani sms of organi c reac tio ns. Second semeste r inc ludes structu ral biochemistry. Laboratory emphas izes ana lyti cal or gani c and biochemi stry. Three hours lec ture , six hours laboratory. Prerequis ite : 106. 402 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (3) The physical laws governing chemica l reactivit y are inves tigated. Subjects inc lude the rmodynami cs, kinet ics. e lec tro- chemi stry, and macromo lec ul ar behavior. 411 BIOCHEMISTRY (3) Fundamental concepts of metabo lism . bioene rge ti cs. biosynthes is and o ther chem istry of Iife proces ses. Three hours lec ture. Alternate yea rs , offered 1976-77 . Pre requisite: 302. 412 LABORATORY METHODS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2) An integ rated laboratory course to accompany Chemistry 411 and Bio logy 408. Modern techniques in mol ec ul ar geneti cs , metabolic processes , bioe nerge tics and e nzyme mechani sms. Si x hours laborat ory. Prereq ui site: 302 and Biology 3 12.
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