Department of Political Science
Assistant Professor: Peters
301 SURVEY OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (3) The organi zation and function o f the leg is lati ve , judic ial, and executi ve branches of the national government; national defensive , finance , conservati on of resources, bus iness , labor , agriculture , foreign relati ons , c ivil rights , and other subj ec ts of national interest . Satisfies the sta te requirements in institutions in American history. 303 GREAT POLITICAL THINKERS (3) Se lec ti ve read ings in major political thinkers from classical to modern times; ana lys is of recurring themes including: justice , natural law, human nature , social c lass , order, consent , community, property , constituti onalism, soc ial change , revo ltuion , and war. Alternate years , offered 1975 -76. 305 COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT (3) The government systems of England , France , West Germany , and Russia compared to the American system o f government. Alternate years, offered I976-77. 306 THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY (3) Hi storical development of the office of the presidency; formal and informal powers of the pres ident in fo ll ow ing areas: executi ve , legis lati ve , judic ial, military , diplomatic , and political. 307 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (3) A survey of the national-state system; forces affecting international relations; sources of co nflict in world politics , and their so luti on by power politics and internat iona l coop,erati on. 310 STUDENT GOVERNMENT PRACTICUM (1) The organ izati on and function of stude nt government at the co ll ege leve l; parliamentary procedure , committee wo rk , and s imilarity to state and nati onal legis lative government. May be repeated for a maximum of four units. (Limited to Biola Associated Students Counc il members. Students working fo r ASB for an hourl y wage may not e nroll. ) 400 POLITICAL PARTIES (3) Anal ys is of the hi story , phil oso phy , organi zati on, and func ti oning of America's politi cal parties. 405 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN DIPLOMACY (3) Growth and development of American foreign relati ons from the Revo luti on to the present. Analysis of the conduct of fo reign relations , it s obj ec ti ves and limitations . 406 LEGISLATION (3) The mechani ca l rul es, procedures, and customs in the making of laws in American government. Alternate years, offered I976- 77. 407 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION (3) The hi story , obj ec ti ves, structure , functions , and politics involved in the United Nations. Alternate years, offered I976-77 . . 413 LATIN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS (3) The philosophy and the structure of the various Latin American governments; emphasis on change resulting from World War II develo pments . Alternate years, offered 1975 -76.
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