
Department of Psychology Professors: Lew is (cha irman), Su therland Associate Professors: Poelstra. Wright Ass istant Professor: Lee

Objective : All courses in psychology have for t he ir ulti mate purpose the better unders tand ing of human nature and greater effectiveness in dea l ing with its prob lems. Department Major: The Department of Psychology offers a major in Psychology des igned to prepare students fo r grad uate schoo l st ud ies in one o f the fi e lds of psycho logy. Major Requirement: 33 uni ts beyond the genera l ed ucation requirement (204), 24 of which must be upper d ivision, inc ludi ng 205, 2 I 0. 305, 306, 3 I 0, 402, and 405. Sc ience Requirements: Bio logy 3 1 I

in addition to 8 uni ts of genera l ed ucati on sc ience and/or mathemat ics . Department Minor: 18 uni ts , 12 of whi ch must be upper d ivis ion .

204 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (Human Development) (3) Development from conception to o ld age, emphas izing the effects of genetic e ndowment s and e nvironmental influences on emot ional, cogniti ve, verbal , soc ial, and personalit y development . 205 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (Psychology of Learning) (3) Lea rn ing theory and research wit h emphasis upon human cond itioning, motivat ion , sensory process, perception , and behavioral changes. 206 STATISTICS I (3) Frequency distributions , graphs , central tende ncy , variab ility , areas under the no rmal curve, t-distribtuions, confidence intervals, ch i square, rank-order and Pearson correlati on . For non­ psycho logy majors. 210 STATISTICS WITH COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (4) Elementary stat istics for psycholog ical research; literature and computer analysis in sampling, probabil ity, descripti ve stati stics , bas ic nonparametric stati st ics, I-tes ts, co rrelati on , regress ion equ a­ ti ons, and data process ing . Three hours lec ture, three hours laboratory. Either semester. Laboratory fees $5 .00 . 301 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Applicati on of soc ial and psycholog ical princ iples to the educati ve process; role of the teacher and lea rner; moti vati on , intelligence, transfer o f learning, measureme nt; influe nces of c ul tural values a nd Amer ican soc ial structure on schoo ls, school systems; recent outstand ing co ntributi ons in research and experimentati on. Not open to psycho logy maj ors . 302 ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY (3) Probl ems facing youth in transition from childhood to adult soc iety, including phys io logical changes, identity fo rmati on , drug abuse, suic ide, spiri tua l bel iefs , and other socia l pressures . Prerequisite: 204 . 304 ADVANCED STATISTICAL METHODS (3) Correl at ion methods, parti al and multiple corre lati on , s impl e and fac tori al anal ys is of vari ance and co-var iance, linear a nd multi p le regress ion models . Prerequi site: 2 IO. Offered on suff ic ient demand. 305 EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (4) Philosophy, methodo logy, and analysis of the exper imental method. Discuss ions of prob lems in conducting and evaluating psycho log ical research. Three hours lec tu re, two hours laboratory. Pre­ requis ite: 2 10 .

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