428 EUROPEAN STUDY (1-3) Travel to places of hi storic interest such as Freud ' s museum in Vienn a, Jungian Institute in Zurich ,
and various clinics in Europe. Offered on sufficient demand. 430 FAMILY INTERACTION AND THE CHILD (2)
Analysis of patterns of famil y dynamics and the ir influence on development of child. Pathogeni c famil y interactions and healthy famil y patterns emphasi zed . (Offered by ex tensi on program only .) Prerequi site : 320. 450 DIRECTED FIELD WORK IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Supervised experience in mental hea lth , educati onal, correc ti onal , or related faci lity. Open onl y to upper di vision students. Prerequisites: 306 , 409 , and consent . 470 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-3) Research under the guidance of Psycho logy Department whi ch may range from the development of a proposal to compl etion of a Iiterary, field laboratory, or soc ial research proj ec t written according to APA fo rmat. Either Semester. Prerequisites: 2 IO and advanced status.
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