3. A brief biography and statement describing the preparation , goals, and asp irations of the student relevant to this program. 4. Approval by the Graduate Admissions Committee of the student's readiness for graduate work. Requirements for Gradua tion: I . Completion of a minimum of 45 semes ter units of acceptab le graduate level work; at least 36 completed in residence at Biola College. 2. At least 200 hours of Practicum experience in a counseling center or a Master 's Thesis . The remainder of the hours required by the State of Cal iforni a for Iicensing becomes the responsibility of the student . 3. A grade point average of at least 3.0. 4. Gain approval of the eval uation committee chosen from the student's professors who recommend the student for the degree. MFC 501 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY EDUCATION (3) Historical perspective of marriage and the fami ly; marriage and family in various societies with emphas is upon Amer ican courtship, marriage , and fam il y patterns. Current analysis of marriage and
fami ly problems from a secu lar and Biblical perspective. MFC 502 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY EDUCATION (3)
Preparation for courtship and marriage ; marri age and parenthood education princ iples and ap proaches; sex ed ucat ion techniques and resources, famil y life ed ucation fo r both church and society. BIBLE 503, 504 INTEGRATIVE BIBLE SEMINARS (4, 4) Discussion and research re lated to integration of Biblical teaching and Marriage and Fami ly Counsel ing. Special attention given to Proverbs , the Gospels , Epistles, and doctrinal issues in light of current Marriage and Fami ly probl ems. MFC 507, 508 PRE-PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING (2, 2) Pre-practicum training through personal observation and growth group experience. Students will be advised oflegal and ethical expectations placed upon them as marriage and family counse lor trainees. MFC 511 TESTING AND THEORY IN PERSONALITY (3) Major theor ies of personality and mental measurement. Training in administration and interpretation of M.M .P.I., C.P. I. , Taylor-Johnson andtfth:r major tests for use in Marriage and Family Coun se l ing. Prerequisites: 306, 411. S'S: - }tAAr- fe...<:..- MFC 518 PSYCHOTHERAPY (3) Major approaches to individual psychotherapeutic techniques including: the Psychoanalytic . Client centered, Contract therapies , Behavior Modification , Tran sac tional Analys is, and Rationalistic, and use of such therapies in Marriage and Family Counse ling. Prerequisites: 409, 41 I. MFC 526 GROUP COUNSELING (4) Training in the dynam ics and facilitation of group interaction and opportunities for personal experi ence in group counseling. Various techniques applicable to Marriage and Family Counse ling em phasized. Prerequisites: 409, 41 1. MFC 531 PRE-MARITAL COUNSELING (3) Various techniques and content invo lved in premarital counseling, sexual attitudes, physiology and technique, planning, testing , and readiness for marriage. fr S ,.. ~ f-c-r<- MFC 532 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING (3) · Various counseling techniques related to marital maladjustments. Typical marriage and fam il y problems including communi cation, roles , sexual dysfunctions . Demonstrations and observat ions of counseling sessions. Reality therapy , conjoint family therapy , contract therapy. Prerequisites: 409 , 411.
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