
MFC 533, 534 FAMILY INTERACTION (3 , 3) First semester , effec ts of interperso nal relati ons within the famil y upon personali ty development in children and ado lescents. Probl ems related to abnormal developme nt stressed. Second semester , effec ts of interpersonal relations within marriage , vocati ons, and soc iety upon devel opme nt during earl y a nd late ad ulthood. Probl ems of ag ing and soc ial change in mar riage. F ield trips arranged . Prerequisites: 204 , 409 . MFC 535, 536 PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING (3 , 3) Indi viduall y super vised Marri age and Famil y, Child Coun se ling experience in pro fess ional Coun se l­ ing Centers . Ad vanced students pl aced in Coun seling Centers as internees under the direct supervision of a licensed Mar riage a nd Famil y , Child Counselor. Students will receive one hour each week of supe rvision by a qualified licensed consultant . Prerequi site: Approval of Committee. MFC 571 READINGS IN MARRIAGE AND FAMILY (1-3) Oppo rtuni ty fo r ex te ns ive library research and stud y in a spec ific area of Marr iage and Famil y dynami cs supervised by a fac ulty member. Course may be a prec urso r to 572 . Bibliographi es and resource materi als related to the student 's area of interes t prov ided. Prerequi site : Advanced level. MFC 572 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-3) Resea rch re lated to Marri age and Famil y Coun se ling , under the guid ance of a member of the Psycho logy Department leading to the proposal, produc ti on, and prese ntati on of a Thes is or Thes is Proj ec t in Marriage and Famil y . May be taken in p lace of Prac tic um 536 . Prerequi site : Compl eted 36 units.

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