
Social Science Major The Departments of History and Sociology offer an inter-departmental major in Social Science. Social Science major requirements: 30 units beyond general education, of wh ich 24 must be upper division. The student must choose a concentration of 18 units in hi story or soc iology. The student must a lso take six units of political science including 30 I. Economics 20 1 is recommended as a supporting course. SOCIAL SCIENCE MAJOR WITH A MISSIONS EMPHASIS: This major , with a miss ions emphas is consist~ of 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division: A 15-unit concentrati on in History or Sociology and six units in the remaining field: six units in Anthro-Linguistics and three units from a ny area in the Division. An thro-Linguist ics 30 1, 3 11 , History 428, Sociology 404 and 405 are required. The student is urged to consu lt the Department of Missions when pl anning a course of study .


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