
RAYMOND LUTKE Assoc iate Professor of Music. 1970 B.S.M., Grace Bible lnstitutue; B.M .E., M.M.E., Bradley University. HOWARD LYON Associate Professor of Phys ical Educat ion, 197 1 B.A. , M.A. , Califo rni a State Uni vers ity, Long Beach. COLINS. McDOUGALL Assoc iate Professor of Eng li sh, 1964 B.S. , No rth Central Co ll ege; M.A. , Ca li forn ia State Uni versit y, Fullerton . INEZ McGAHEY Professor of Eng lish. 1948 Diploma, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.A. , Wheaton Co ll ege. M.A. , Ca li fornia State Un ivers ity, Los Angeles. RICHARD Mc EELY Professor of Biblical Studies , 1960 B.A.. Westmont Co ll ege; Th.M .. Th.D. , Dallas Theo log ical Seminary. CURTIS C. MITCHELL Assoc iate Professo r of Biblical Studies, 1966 B.A . , Biola Co ll ege; B.D., Talbot Theological Seminary. Th.M , Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D. , Grace Theo logica l Seminary. GERALD E. MONTGOMERY Ass istant Professor of Greek, 1970 B.A., Biola College; B.D. , Th .M. , Ta lbot Theo logical Seminary. ROBERT MOROSCO Assis tant Professor of Biblical Studies, 1974 B.A., BiolaCo ll ege; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Seminary; Th.D., Fuller Theological Sem inary. J . VINCENT MORRIS Dean of Student Affairs, Assoc iate Professor of Greek, 197 1 B.A. , Westmont Co ll ege; Th.M. , Dallas Theological Seminary; M.A., Ed.D., Arizona State Uni versit y. ELIZABETH L. NEUMANN Associate Professor of Nursing, 1972 B.A .. Wheaton Co ll ege; R.N .. M.N. , Case Wes tern Reserve Univers ity School of Nursing; M.S. , Univers ity of California , Los Angeles. GEORG E M. NISHIDA Associate Professor of Sociology , 1964 B.A., Pasadena Co ll ege; M.A . , Ca li fo rni a State University, Los Ange les; M.A. , Ph.D . , Un iver­ sit y of Ca li fornia, Rivers ide. RICHARD NOLLMEYER A soc iate Professor of Social Science. I970 B.S., M.D. , No rthwes tern Un iversity; J .D. , Uni versity of Montana. EDWARD H. NORMAN Ass istant Dean fo r Sc iences , Professor of Physical Edui;:at ion, I962 B.S .. Springfield Co ll ege; M.A . , Ball State University; Ed. D.. Un iversi ty of Southern California.


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