Department of Sociology
Assoc iate Pro fesso rs: Ni shid a (chairman), Kwast Ass istant Pro fessor: Fox
Objec1ives : The obj ec ti ves of the department are ( I) to acquaint the student with the principal probl ems and issues in sociology; (2) to teach applicati on of know ledge to occ upations in soc iology; and (3) to prepare fo r fu11her profess ional study. Depa r1111en1 Major: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper d ivis ion, including 220, 442 and 443 . In additi on, Psycho logy 206 is required as a supporting course. Depamnenl M inor: 15 units of upper di vis ion courses.
Social Work Concentration Objecl ive: The Soc ial Work concent rati on offers students profess ional preparation for general prac ti ce in public and pri vate agenc ies and in church related soc ial wel fare programs . A further obj ec ti ve is academic preparati on fo r graduate educati on in Soc ial Work and other behav ioral sc iences . The program seeks to g ive stude nts know ledge o f human be hav ior and need , o f soc ial welfare backgrounds, soc ial instituti ons, and the effec ts of di sadvantage . Theory and practi ce are correlated both at the agency level in fi e ld instruc ti on and academic all y in field seminars . Admissions: A student to be e li gi bl e fo r thi s program must be a j uni or and hi s applicat ion approved by the Soc ial Work fac ul ty, and mu st have compl eted Soc io logy 202 , 36 1; Psychology 205 , 206 ; Anthro-Lingui stics 30 I ; Eco nomics 20 I ; Po liti cal Sc ience 30 I ; Hi story 3 10 . Forms may be obtained from the Soc iology Department and except by spec ial arrangement must be on fil e by March 15th fo r the fall semester and by October 15th fo r the spring semester. Program requiremen1s : Soc ial Work covers a three yea r seque nce . It includes 33 core uni ts and 15 recomme nded general or spec ial interest elec ti ves . Core requireme nts in Soc iology are 362,363,364 , 366, 367 , 368, 369 , 370 . Soc io logy 443, Me thods of Soc io logical Research is highl y recommended. Senior year students should have access to personal transportation to fulfill fi eld assignemtns. 220 SOCIOLOGY (3) Survey of soc ial groups; the ir fields and methods , their interactions and effec ts on the individual; co nsideration o f culture , rol es, soc iali zation norms , soc ial c lasses, instituions, and minority groups. 320 MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY (3) The famil y as a soc ial instituti on; hi storical development of the modem famil y; current trends in famil y structure and fun c ti ons; probl ems o f family life; analysis of American courtship and marriage patterns . 330 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY (3) Character , ex tent , and c au ses o f juvenile delinquency; soc ial diagnosis and case study; modem methods o f treatme nt ; perso nal and environmental conditi oning fac tors; survey of methods employed in research. 333 CRIMINOLOGY (3) Soc ial and psychological factors in criminal behavi or; criminal law and criminal justice; preventi on and control : tre nd s in theory and correc tional procedures , probabition, parole.
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