342 ETHNIC AND MINORITY GROUPS (3) Analysis of ethnic and cultu ral minor iti es in the United States; theory and practice of intergroup re lati ons . 346 URBAN SOCIOLOGY (3) The urban community and urbanization; its growth, institutions, values, and problems. scientific study of population from the spatial patterning and mobility viewpo int ; effect of urbanization upon institutions; social relat ions and nati ona l economy. 349 POPULATION (3) Population theory, compos iti on, distribution, growth , and migration with differential fertility and mortality rates of groups and nations ; national and international migration and overpopu lati on problems . 351 DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL THOUGHT (3) Outstanding soc ia l thinkers to the 19t h Century; id eas of men compared and contrasted within the various societies as background to the development of social thought. 352 SOCIAL CONTROL (3) The processes by which conformity of the individual to the group is obta ined and by which social organization is es tab lished and maintained . 354 SOCIAL INTERACTION (3) Sociological contributions to theory and research in soc ial psychology bearing on the re lat ionship between culture and group li fe to human behavior and personality ; ana lys is of symbo lic processes , role behavior , psycho-social processes and socia l reference groups; soc iali zation and the social aspect. attitudes, values , and beliefs in relationship to groups. Prerequisite: Psychology 206. 355 SOCIAL STRATIFICATION (3) Nature, theory, and functions of socia l stratification; criter ia of socia l strat ificati on differentiation , status, and role; comparative systems of stratificati on. 357 SOCIOLOGY OF WORK AND PROFESSIONS (3) Development of occ upati ona l roles wi th emphasis o n spec ia li za ti on. division of labo r and mobility; impact of occupations on the family, economy, government, ed ucat ion, and religion; spec ial focus o n development of work and professions in the United States. 361 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK (3) Survey of the fields of soc ial wo rk; gene ric principles, methodology, ethics and professional development ; field visits to se lec ted social agenc ies and speakers sharing experiences from socia l work prac tices . 362 SOCIAL PROBLEMS (3) Major problems of socia l maladjustment from the viewpo int of the und erl y ing processes of individual and soc ial disorganization; deviant behavior, such as mental disorders , c rime and delinquency , suic ide, drug and a lcohol addiction; socia l disorganization , such as population problems, family , poverty, and war. 363 SOCIAL WELFARE AS A SOCIAL INSTITUTION (3) Development of modern social welfare programs and concep tual ana lysis of soc ial policy inc luding cons id erat ion of counterac ting economic. cu ltural . and political forces; soc io-economic condit ions as related to disadvantage. 364 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT (3) Growth of the indiv idual and hi s inte racti on with the soc ial environment; consideration of effect on development of disadvantage and stress.
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