365,366 HELPING METHOD IN SOCIAL SERVICES I, II (3) (3) Problem ana lys is and se lection of appropriate goa ls and interventive strateg ies; study of practice skill s used in meeting human need. ~ :3 369 , 370 FIELD INSTRUCTION I, II lji/f (-6) Direc ted experience in a soc ial age ncy, beginning se rvice assignments. ,--,., I-"') 371, 372 FIELD SEMINAR AND READINGS I, II (3) (3) Synthesizing semi nar and concurre nt read ings; sharing of learn ing experie nces a nd cons ideration of spec ial problems. 402 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION (3) Analysis o f religiou s practices that affect soc ie ty and soc ie tal fac tors that affec t reli g ious practices; Christian and non-Chri stian beliefs and inst itutions. 404 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH I (3) Sociological structures and their relationship to the principl es and practices of church expansion. 405 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH II (3) Principles and prac ti ces of church ex pans ion applied to an individual case study of church . Prerequis ite: 404. 407 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH PLANTING (3) Sociological structures and the ir relationship to the principles and practices of church es tablishment. 442 CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY (3) Survey of soc io log ical theory with emphas is on 20th century co ntributions; status of soc iolog ical inqu iry and theory; relationship of sociology to such allied fields as a nthropo logy. psychology , economics, ed ucation , and political science . Prerequisites: Psychology 206 or 210; I8 units of soc iology. 443 METHODS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH (3) Survey and eva luation of methods of collecting , classify ing, and analyzing soc ial data; detailed stud y of the scie ntific method; introduction to the use of experimental des igns in soc iolog ical research; planning and cond ucting a minor research project . Prerequ isites : Psychology 206 or 2 IO; 18 units of sociology . 470 SOCIOLOGY SEMINAR (3) Brief cons iderat ion of selected works of pioneer sociologists; emphasis on c urrent trends and developments in sociology; independent student work stressed. Limi ted to sen iors maj or ing in sociology. Spring semester. 490 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-3) Prerequisite: Senior status wit h Sociology major and prior to reg istrati on , consent of a professor to act as sponsor. The student must have abi lity to assume respons ibility for independent work and to prepare wri tten and oral reports. Project se lected in confere nce with fac ulty sponsor before reg istra ti on; progress meetings he ld regularly.
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