
OTTO J. DE LA TORRE Spanish A.A., Los Angeles City Co ll ege; B.A.. M.A. , University of Californ ia at Los Angeles. STEPHANIE G. DELBRIDGE Communications B.A, Biola College . DAVID FERRY Christ ian Education B.A. , Biola Co ll ege, M.R.E., Talbot Theological Seminary. BRUCE D. FINFROCK

Christian Education B.A., BiolaCollege.

ANNE L. GEWE Nursing R.N .. Los Angeles County School of Nursing; B.S., Biola College. BILL GIBSON Physical Education . B.R.E., Detroit Bible College . MONTGOMERY GRUTZMAKER Music B.A. , California State University, Los Angeles; M.M .. University of Southern California. GORDON HOOKER Music D.S.M . , Biola College. MARTHA HOOKER Christian Education B.A., Los Angeles Baptist Seminary; Litt.D . . Biola College. MILTON D. HOUGHTON Communications B.A. , Azusa Pacific Col lege. CAROLYN JOHNSON Music B.A. , M.A . , California State Universi ty. Long Beach. STELLA KIM Library B.A. , National Taiwan University; M.A.L.S ., George Peabody Co ll ege. MARGUERITE KRAFT Linguistics and Anthropo logy B.S., Wheaton Co ll ege; M.A., Hartford Seminary Foundat ion. LASZLO LAK Music Diploma. Sherwood Music School; B.M., Chicago Conservatory College; M.A., University of Califonira , Santa Barbara. DONNA LEONARD Christian Educat ion B.A. , B.S., Fort Wayne Bible College; M.R.E .. Talbot Theological Seminary.


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