R. DA YID LEWIS Music B.A. , M.A . , Californ ia State Un iversity , Los Angeles. TODD V. LEWIS Communi cat ions B .A., Biola Co ll ege; M .A. , Ohio State Uni vers ity. JACK LITTLE Accounting B .S. , Florida Southern College. MICHAEL J. MAGILL Greek B .A . , BiolaCollege. HERBERT ARNEL MOTZ
Christian Ed ucati on B.A. , Bio la Co ll ege.
KEITH R. NEELY Art B.A. , Art Center School of Design MARGARET NOBLE Nursing R.N. , Ho ll ywood Presbyterian Hospital ; B.S., Wheaton Co ll ege. RENEEE NOLES Counse lor B.S. , Wheaton College; M .S . , Un ivers ity of Southern California. EUGENE NOLLER Art B.A . , California State Uni versity, Los Angeles. DA YID J. PARTIE French B .A. , Uni vers ity of Redlands ; M.A. , University of Cal ifornia at Los Angeles . AVERY W. POWERS, JR.
Christian Education B.A. , Biola Co ll ege.
IVAN SCHULER Basketball B.A., M.A. , California State University , Long Beach. DOUGLASSHANNEP Commun ications B .A. , Californi a State University, Fullerton . DONALD SHOEMAKER Biblical Studies B.A . , Grace Co ll ege; M.Div. , Grace Theo logica l Seminary.
TIMOTHY A. SMITH Music B .A., Biola Co ll ege.
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