
CARL H. SWENSON Journalism B .A., California State University, San Jose . ROLAND D. TABELL Music B.A., B.M. , Wheaton College; M.Mus., University of Southern California. NORMAN THIESEN Christ ian Education B.A. , Biola Co ll ege. M.A . , Pepperdine Uni versity; M.A., Talbot Theological Seminary. ELEANOR WHIPPLE Sociology B.A. , M.S.W. , Un iversity of Washington. PATTY JO WILSHIRE Nursing B.S., Un iversity of Maryland.


DIANE AMENT R.N .. B.S., Regional Mental Health Nurse Orange County Community Mental Health Services. JANE BERGMAN R.N. G.S. , Regional Mental Health Nurse Orange Count y Community Mental Health Services. TONY DI EUGENIO R .N. , Staff Nurse II , Orange County Community Mental Health Services, Methadone Clinic. DOROTHY GAAL R .N., B.S. , District Supervisor South East Los Angeles , Visiting Nursing Association of Los Ange les, Inc.

MARGUERTIE HARMELING R.N., M.S. , Associate Professor of Nursing Educationa l Directorof the Bureau of Public Health Nursing of Los Ange les County Department of Public Health . BARBARA HUBBARD R.N .. B.S. , Assistant Clini cal Professor of Nursing; Senior Public Health Nurse, Cou nty of Los Angeles, Department of Mental Health. JOSEPHINE ISENBERG , M. S. W., Supervisor , State of Californi a Mental Health Department Community Services Section . MARGUARITEJORDAN R.N., B.S., Assistant Clini cal Professor of Nursing Public Health Nurse Director fo r San Antonio District of the County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Health, Bureau of Public Health Nurs ing.


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