General Information
Biola Co ll ege is accredited by the fo ll ow ing agencies: Wes te rn Association of Scho·o ls and Co ll eges; American Assoc iation of Bible Co ll eges : Nati onal Association of Schools of Music; State of Ca li forn ia Board of Registered Nursing; ati o na l League fo r Nurs ing; State of Cali fo rni a Department of Education. Biol a Co ll ege is authorized to train st udents under the Veteran ·s Bill of Rights. In add iti on , the co ll ege is a ffiliat ed with a number of professional o rgani zati ons, of whi ch the fo ll owi ng are representative: American Anthropological Associat ion; Amer ican Associat ion of Co ll eges for Teache r Educa ti on; American Assoc iat ion of Co ll egiate Registrars and Adm ission Officers; Amer ican As sociati o n of Health , Physical Educati on , and Recreation; American Counci l on Educat ion; Amer ican G uil d of O rganist s ; American Library Association; Associated Co ll eg iate Press; Assoc iati o n of Co ll ege Uni ons International; American Associat ion of Higher Education; Association of Ind ependent Ca li fo rni a Co ll eges and Un iversit ies; Cali forn ia Association of Chri stia n Schools; Cali fornia Assoc iati on of Health. Physical Educat ion , and Recreation ; Ca liforni a Co ll ege and Uni versity Faculty Assoc iation; Ca li fornia Counci l on Teacher Educa tion; Ca lifornia Teachers' Association; Choral Conductors' Guild (Ca lifornia); Co ll ege Entr ance Examination Board; Intercollegiate Press; Music Educators' Nationa l Conference; Na tional Co ll eg iate At hl eti c Association; Nati ona l Commiss ion o n Accred iting; Nati ona l Educa tion As soc iati on; Nati onal Assoc iati o n of Inte rco ll eg iate Athletics; Western Counc il on Higher Ed ucation for Nurs ing; and Western Inte rsta te Commiss ion for Higher Ed ucat ion. EDUCATIONAL DISTINCTIVES Biola Co ll ege is a Christ ian institution of hi gher education without any denominat iona l affi liation. The school is committed to Biblical Christ ian it y (within the evange lical Protestant framework). The co ll ege is the outgrowth of an academ ic and Chris ti an tradition that officia ll y began in I908. Historically, the instit uti on has been ded icated to the education of men and women for distinctive Christi an serv ice. In the earlier years , the curricula we re composed primarily of Biblically or iented courses and programs. The schoo l was then known as the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc . Although a variety of programs was offered through the years, it was not until 1949 that serious development of the arts and sc iences began. At that time the undergrad uate program became known as Biol a Co ll ege. This instituti on has s ince experie nced steady growt h in bo th the quality and d ivers ity of its academic offer ings. Biola Co ll ege presently operates under the general corporate title of Bio la Co ll ege, Inc. Because o f the co ll ege ' s heritage and commitment , its academic basis is broader than that of the standard co ll ege of arts and sc iences; and the programs and objectives shou ld be v iewed with thi s in mind. Termina l and preparatory programs lead to se rvice in both church-re lated vocat ions and.the many o ther vocati o ns and professions embraced by the present c urr icul a. THE COMMUNITY OF LA MIRADA The c ity of La Mirada is in Los Ange les County , twenty-two miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles, and is surrounded by such c iti es as Whittier, Norwalk, Buena Park , La Habra , and Fullerton. La Mirada is a suburban res id entia l community. Included w ithin the v ic inity are severa l major sho pping areas in add iti o n to many ot he r business estab li shments.
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