La Mirada is situated near many of the outstanding attractions of Southern California. Downt own Los Ange les can be reached in a half-hour's drive from the campus. Dis ney land is twel ve mil es to the sou theast , and famed Knott's Berry Farm is six mil es away . Within an hour 's drive are such popular beach ci ti es as Long Beach, Newport Beach. Huntington Beach, and Lagun a Beach . Recrea ti ona l fac ilities are easil y accessibl e. An eighteen hole public go lf course lies a mile eas t of the campus, and other parks in the area offer opportunity for act ivities and relax ati on. An hour 's drive will take one into the nearby mountains where wi nter sports are ava il able. Cu ltu ra l and resea rch opportuniti es abound in the area. Several major uni versities and libraries are wit hin easy driving distance of La Mirada including UCLA. the University of Southern Ca li fo rnia , the Universi ty of Californi a- Irvine, and several other state and private instituti ons. THE BIOLA CAMPUS The campus is bounded on the west by Biola Avenue and on the east by La Mirada Boul evard. It is located between the large eas t-west thoroughfares of Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway. Approximate ly three mil es to the south is the Santa Ana Freeway. Students coming to the campus by au tomobi le shou ld fo ll ow these directions: coming from the northwest, leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Rosecrans and travel eas t to Biola Avenue; com ing from the sou theast , leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Valley View and travel north to Rosecrans, then turn right to Biola Avenue; com ing from the eas t via San Bernardino Freeway (U.S. Hi ghway 60, 70, 99), tum south on Ca li forn ia Highway 39 to Imperi al Highway. and right on Imperial to Biola Avenue. Campus buildings include Sutherland Hall. Marshburn Hall, Crowe ll Hall , and the Science Hall instructional facilities that house classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, and offices . Add itional campus buildings are the Rose Memorial Library. the cafeter ia, the student union, the gymnasium , a short-co urse Olympic swimming pool. the Pierce-Hunt Memorial Infirmary, six res idence hall s, the Rose of Sharon Prayer Chapel , and ot her structures. The master plan calls for the erec ti on of additi onal bu il dings within the next few years. On the eastern side of the campus Iie the ath letic fields. Included are a crushed brick quarter mile track, an excell ent baseball diamond. and tennis courts. Additiona l rec rea ti ona l fac ilities are ava il ab le in the La Mirada Regional Park, across La Mirada Boulevard from the campus. THE NATURE AND STANDARDS OF BIOLA COLLEGE Biola Co ll ege serves a broad spec trum of evangelica l churches among whi ch there are differences of opinion as to what practices are accep tab le fo r Chri sti ans. A student of Biola Co ll ege is expec ted to cond uct himse lf acco rding to the hi ghest Ch ri stian stand ards of honesty, integrity, responsibility and love towa rd hi s brethren in Christ . In harmony with the princip les of Romans 14, I Corinthians IO and 13 and II Corinthi ans 6, the rul e by whi ch he li ves in the consc ious striving for God's approval and the conscious protection of hi s Christi an testimony. Biola is for earnest Ch ristians who are sensiti ve to the many principles of Christian li ving that are found in the Bible. The co ll ege also imposes certai n spec ifi c guidelines for the co nduct of fac ulty, staff and st ud ents. Although such man-made regulations cannot improve upon our standing in Chri st, they can strengthen the life and testimon y of both the indi vidual and the co ll ege. To thi s encl , Biola ex pects its fac ulty, staff and students to refra in from the use of alco holic beverages and tobacco, and from gambling and dancing. Further , Biola deplores the morally degrad ing element s that are now found in virt uall y all forms of the theatre. the e ntertainment media, and literature; Biolans are expected to absta in from all aspec ts of such that morally degrade. Biola Co ll ege does not presume to be a censoring agency fo r all ac ti vities; it does, however , expec t tangible ev idence of matu ring Christi an convicti ons and discerning judgment. Biol a reserves the right to d ismi ss a student who . in its judgment, does not co nfo rm either to the stated
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