regulations governing student conduc t or to the ex pressed principl es , po lic ies, and programs o f the co ll ege . Inasmuch as the Co ll ege is interdenominati o na l and ye t theo log icall y conservati ve, the Arti c les of Inco rpo rati on conta in a doc trinal statement , an abridgement of whi ch is g ive n be low: '"The Bibl e, cons isting o f a ll the books of the Old and New Tes taments, is the Word of God , a supernatu rall y g iven reve lati on without e rro r or mi sstatement in mo ral and spiritua l teachings and record of hi storical fac ts . ' 'The re is one God , ete rn a ll y ex isting and mani fes ting Himse lf to us in three Persons: Father , Son , and Ho ly Ghost. . "' Our Lord Jesus Christ was supe rn atu rall y conce ived by the power of the Ho ly Spirit , born of a v irgin, li ved and taught and wrought mighty works a nd wonders and s igns exactl y as reco rded in the four Gos pe ls, was put to death by c ruc ifi xion unde r Po ntiu s Pil ate , was ra ised fro m the dead in the body that had bee n na il ed to the cross, now s its at the Fathe r ' s right hand from whe nce He is coming again persona ll y , bodil y, and vi s ibl y to thi s earth to inaugurate Hi s mill enni a l re ign . In Hi s pre-ex iste nt state He was with God , and o f Hi s own choice la id as ide Hi s divine g lory and took upon Himse lf the form of a se rvant and was made in the Iike ness of men. He became in e very res pec t a rea l man, possessed of all the essentia l charac te risti cs o f human nature . By Hi s dea th upo n the cross , the Lord Jesus Christ made a perfec t atonement fo r sin , redeeming us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse in our place . " The Ho ly Spirit is a Pe rson, is God , and is possessed o f all the di stinc tive ly divine attributes; He indwell s a ll be lievers, hav ing bapti zed them into the body of Christ at the t ime of regeneration. ' ' Man was created in the image of God , but the who le human race fe ll in the s in of the first Adam, and apart from Chri st is spiritu all y dead and lost. Men are justified on the simple and s ingle ground of the shed blood o f Chri st and upon the simple and s ingle conditi on o f fa ith in Him who shed the blood , and are born aga in by the Ho ly Spirit , throu gh the instrume nta lity of the Word of God. All those who rece ive Jesus Christ as the ir Sav iour and the ir Lo rd , and who confess Him as such before the ir fell ow men become he irs o f God and jo int-he irs with Jesus Chri st; and at death the ir spirits depart to be with Christ in consc ious bl essedness; and at the second coming of Chri st the ir bodies shall be rai sed and transformed into the like ness of the body of Hi s g lory. All those who pers iste ntl y rej ec t Jesus Christ in the present li fe sha ll be rai sed from the dead and throughout e terni ty ex ist in a state of co nsc ious and e ndless torment. ' ' The Church co ns is ts o f a ll those who , in thi s present d ispensati on, trul y be lieve on Jesus Christ and is the body and bride of Chri st , which Christ loves and fo r whi ch He has g iven Himsel f. " There is a personal devil , a be ing o f great c unning who can exert vast powe r o nl y so far as God suffe rs him to do so, and who sha ll ultimate ly be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone . ' ' THE OBJECTIVES OF THE COLLEGE Academic Obj ecti ves: The Co llege seeks to provide thorough tra ining a nd sound scho lars hip in all the areas prov ided in its c urriculum . It further seeks to c reate in the students a thi rs t fo r know ledge and to teach effec tive methods o f in vestigati on whe reby such kn ow ledge may be obta ined d uring the course of study and in the yea rs fo ll ow ing the ir fo rmal pe riod of training. Civic Objecrives: The Co ll ege holds to the convic ti on that the good Christi an is likew ise a good c iti zen of the State . It teaches , bo th by precept and exampl e, that good c iti zens respec t author ity , submit to the laws of the land, and seek construc tive change through lega l channe ls. The Co ll ege encourages the students to parti c ipa te acti ve ly, whil e in co ll ege a nd th roug hout life, in the develop me nt of the ge ne ral welfare o f the ir fe llowmen , both in community and nati ona l li fe . It fu rthe r seeks to instill a genuine co ncern fo r the ge nera l welfare of mankind and the world around . Cultural Objecri ves: The Co llege seeks to prov ide st udents with a wholesome cultu ral program whi ch w ill incul cate an apprec iati on fo r the fi ne r things of li fe as ex pressed in the fine ar ts, literature, hi story, and the c ivili zati ons of peopl es and nati o ns bo th past and present.
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