
Social Obj ecri ves : The Co ll ege seeks to provide the stud ents with a well-round ed soci al program that will develop pe rsonality and fit them in a no rmal and who lesome manne r to take the ir pl aces in the home, local church, and co mmunity . The prog ram is furthe r des igned to develop and ma int a in hi gh mora l standards in the lives o f the stude nts, fo r the ir own bene fit and in order that they mi ght se rve as who lesome exampl es and leaders whe rever they may Iive and work . Spirirual Objecri ves: The Co ll ege a ims to se nd fo rth men and women who ex press through the ir lives a compl ete and valid commitme nt to the c laims o f Chri st; a comprehe ns ive knowl edge o f the Wo rd o f Goel , with abilit y to use it in a ll walks o f life in lead ing men to Chri st a nd , with wisdom, to teach it to be lievers that they may grow in grace; a nd an e ndueme nt w ith power by the infilling o f the Ho ly Spirit , express ing itse lf in Ch r isti an love fo r all me n and a des ire fo r the ir sa lvati on . Voca rional and Professional Objecr ives : The Co ll ege seeks to prov ide thorough pre parat ory tra in­ ing in those areas of its curriculum in whi ch students may des ire to pursue graduate wo rk leading to a profess ion . It seeks al so to prov ide adequ ate termin al trai ning in those areas o f its curric ulum whi ch are des igned to prepare stude nts fo r the ir li fe work. BOOK STORE The Co ll ege Booksto re is open six d ays and two evenings a week to suppl y a ll required tex tbooks, as we ll as non-required books . Student s wi lI find a large se lecti o n o f cards , stati one ry, g ift items, reco rds and music, school and art supplies, plus items fo r pe rso na l needs. Bibl es in a vari ety o f s ty les and b indings are availabl e . Spec ial services to stud ents inc lude o rde r ing any books in print and imprinting Bibl es. THE LIBRARY The Bio la Library is under a unified admini s trati on and serves the und ergraduate and graduate levels of Bio la Co ll ege, Inc. The Rose Memo ria l Library Buil d ing was ex panded in 1969 by a three- level additi on. Thi s tripl es the ultimate capac it y bes ides pro vid ing four co nfere nce rooms, an additio nal read ing room for those students e ngaged in Biblical studies, ampl e space fo r pe ri odical ho ldings. The peri od ica l subsc ript ions inc lude 800 titl es c urrentl y be ing rece ived. O the r ho ldings inc lude o ve r 113,000 vo lumes o f books and bound period ica ls . Auxili ary co ll ecti ons co nta in pamphl e t fil es and curr ic ulum teaching unit s fo r the Educati on and Chri sti a n Educati on Departments . The ma in public cata log and other fil es conta in approx imate ly 300 ,000 cards . An SCM copy machine is access ibl e to student s. The library has micro fi che, mic rofilm , and mic rocard readers. Visual mate ria ls are ava il abl e fo r student use from the A- V center. In -additi on , there arc li ste ning cente rs for language stud ies and o the r taped instruc ti on . Student s have access to the severa l millio n vo lumes in the librari es o f a dozen co ll eges, uni vers iti es, and semin aries in the Greate r Los Ange les area . The sta ff co nsists o f fo ur profess iona l Iibrari ans, e ight full -time ass istants , and a number o f part -time and student ass is tants. AUDIO-VISUAL DEPARTMENT The Audi o-v isual 0 epartment se rvices the equipment a nd non-book instruc ti onal needs o f the Academic Divi s ion o f the co llege . Equ ipment and in struc ti onal mate ria ls are in the A- V Department in the Rose Memo rial Library . The co ll ec ti on o f materia l inc ludes 16mm mo tio n pi c tures, 8mm moti on pi c tures and f ilm c lips, 35mm film strips, Aud io T ape Reco rdings, Video T ape Reco rdings, Disc Reco rds, Overhead Transpare nc ies, SIides and o ther types of Ed ucationa l Medi a . Appropri ate eq ui pment is ava il abl e fo r large group . small group , o r indi v idu al study of the instruc ti ona l mate ri als. Prod uc ti on o f s lid es, filmstrips, the rmal, cl iazo, o r photographi c transparenc ies, instant duplicating and copy services are ava il abl e to the fac ulty . Other speci a lized produc tion serv ices can o fte n be arranged upo n request.


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