
Admission, Registration, and Graduation Requirements

Admiss io n to Biola Co ll ege is on a se lecti ve bas is, and o nl y those are admitted who are most like ly to profit from Bio la Co ll ege 's educational program and its distincti ve ly Christi an emphas is . Because it is the purpose o f Bio la Co ll ege to tra in Christi an young peopl e, the applicant should have been a Christi an for at leas t o ne yea r. Biol a Co ll ege has a stro ngl y evange lical Chri sti an commitme nt and requires that a n accepted applicant be an evange lical be liever. However , no disc riminatio n with refere nce to rac ia l o r na tional background is practi ced in the admi ss ion po lic ies. Bio la Co ll ege we lcomes a lI applicants regardless of rac ial or nati ona l origin who are persona ll y committed to faith in Christ. · Students who a re inte res ted in a tte nding Bio la Co ll ege should request applicati on fo rms from the Dean of Admiss io ns . Vi sits to the campus are e ncouraged . It is advi sabl e to write or pho ne the admi ss ions offi ce in advance to arrange an appointment if a confere nce is des ired. Bec ause e nrollment is limited and admiss ion is on a se lective bas is, appl icati ons should be made as earl y as poss ibl e. Dec is ions are made onl y o n compl eted applicati ons . Gene ra ll y no applicati ons made afte r Jul y 3 1will be considered for the fall semeste r , nor afte r December 3 1 fo r the spring semester. Admi ss io n to the co ll ege does not guarantee admi ss ion to the Nursing or Mus ic programs . High School Record An applicant fo r reg ular standing must be a grad uate of an acc redited hi gh schoo l with a scho lastic reco rd (inc luding SAT sco res) whi ch ind icates abilit y to pursue successfull y hi gher educati on. The applicant must have s ixtee n acceptabl e hi g h school units, twe lve of wh ich should be spread over the academ ic areas of Eng li sh, soc ia l stud ies, mathemati cs , sc ience (inc luding a laboratory scie nce), fore ign language , and re lated areas . Pros pective student s interested in the nursing program must take chemi stry in hi gh school. Applicants are urged to have at least two yea rs in one fore ign language in high schoo l. Those with no fo re ign language in hi gh schoo l or wishing to beg in a new language in co ll ege to meet the general educ ati on requ ireme nt , must take twe lve units (3 semes ters) of a fore ign language for most majors . Cata log info rmation regarding each major w ill indicate any except ions to thi s rul e . Applicants ente ring with hi gh schoo l defi c ie nc ies will be admitted to prov is iona l stand ing until the defic ienc ies have been removed. C redit s earned to cover a hi gh schoo l defi c ie ncy canno t be applied toward s graduati on from co ll ege . T ransfers with suffic ie nt acceptabl e unit s to be c lass ified as jun iors will be cons idered as having no hi gh schoo l defi c ienc ies. Procedure The foll owing must be fi led in seeking admi ss ion: I. The pe rsonal application fo rm , inc luding a n identification pi c ture. The application for adm is­ sio n must be accompanied by a $20 nonrefund abl e app licati on fee . 2. An offic ia l hi gh schoo l transc ript. The applicant shoul d request the hi gh schoo l to se nd this d irec tl y to the Dan of Admiss ions. 3 . An o ffic ial transcript sent direc tl y to the Dea n of Admiss ions from each schoo l the applicant has atte nded s ince high schoo l. Thi s inc ludes schoo ls atte nded fo r even part of a semeste r.


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