Advanced Placement Program Biol a College. as a member of the Co ll ege Entrance Examination Board , recogni zes the merits of the Advanced Placement Program and wi ll grant c redi t for Advanced Placement courses taken in hi gh schoo l. Cred it will be g ive n when recommended by the hi gh schoo l and when the Advaneed Placement examination grade is 3 or better. College Level Examination Program Biola Co ll ege subsc ribes to the College Level Examinat ion Program (CLEP) of the Co ll ege Entrance Examina ti on Board. Bio la College e ncourages transfer students from non-accredited schoo ls whi ch have less than a Crating to validate certa in credits o n the basi s of the exam inati ons provided by thi s program. Hi gh School st ud ents with superio r records are e ncouraged to take the Genera l Exam ina tions prior to enter ing Biola Co ll ege. Cred it for CLEP-General Examinati ons wi ll be awarded only in those areas where a general education requirement has not been met by previous co ll ege course work, and on ly up to the amount needed to compl ete the requirement. (For exampl e, a maximum of only e ight unit s in the sc iences and mathematics will be released if the student has no cred its in these areas.) Elect ive cred it will not be g iven for the General Examinati ons of CLEP. C red its will be awarded for CLEP-S ubj ec t examinati ons for ge neral ed ucati on req uirements in areas not covered by CLEP-General Examinations prov ided no co llege credits have been earned or awarded in the same field. Students are adv ised to take the CLEP tes ts as early as possible in their co ll ege program to receive the maximum value from them . Biol a Co llege reserves the right to determine the score at which credits will be released and the amount of credit awarded. Challenging a Course In additi on to the Advanced Pl acement Program and the Co llege Level Examinati on Program , both of whi ch may re lease actua l units of c red it toward grad uation, it is poss ibl e for a student to challenge a particular course or req uirement. If the stude nt demonstrates by hi s performance o n a comprehensive examination that he has a good grasp of the course content he can be granted exempti on from taking the course but no unit s o f credit will be a ll owed. For further info rmati on see the Dean of Adm issions and Records. It is essen ti al that students from o ther coun tries be able to understand directions and lectures in Eng lish a nd a lso be able to express their though ts c learl y in spoken Eng lish im mediate ly upon arrival o n campus. In order tha t the applicant 's profic ie ncy in English may be determined, the app licant must take the Test of Eng lish as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as admi ni ste red by the Ed ucat iona l Testing Service at the nearest overseas examina ti on center. Students who wish to take TOEFL in Hong Kong, India , Nepa l , or Taiwan should ob ta in the appropriate ed iti ons of the Bulletin at the addresses g ive n below: Bulletin of Information for Candidates in Hong Kong: Ed ucati on Department In stitute of Intern at iona l Education Examinati ons Section 408 J . Hotung Ho use, Fourth Floor Can ton Road Government Offices 5/ 15 Hankow Road, Kowloon 393, Canton Road, 11th Floor Hong Kong Kow loon Hong Ko ng Admission of International Students English Proficiency:
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