financ ial ar ra ngeme nt s have been made. Students will rece ive c red it for o nl y those courses in whi ch they are officiall y enroll ed in the Regi strar 's Office . Change of Registration A stud ent who finds it necessary to drop or add a c lass must sec ure from the Registrar's Office the proper fo rm fo r such proced ure. A studen t who drops a course without fulfilling th is requirement wi ll rece ive a "UW" in the subj ect. A charge of $2.00 is made for each transaction. Changes in reg istrati o n may be made duri ng the two weeks of late reg istrat ion. Afte r that date courses cannot be added unl ess approved by the Regis trar. Courses may be dropped wi thout pe na lty dur ing the first twelve weeks of classes. If a course is dropped during the fi rst six weeks of c lasses, it will not be reco rded on the student ' s permanent reco rd. Courses dropped betwee n the sixt h a nd thi rteenth week of c lasses w ill have a grade of "W" reco rded. Withdrawal A stude nt who o ffic iall y w ithdraws from co ll ege during a semes ter wi ll receive a grade of· ·w· · in all courses if withdrawa l is no later than the e ncl of the twelfth week of c lass. Othe rwise , a grade of·· F' · will be g iven. A st udent who wit hdraws may be granted honorab le d ism issa l provided that he has met a ll hi s financia l ob li gati ons to the co ll ege, has secured from the Reg istrar' s Office and completed a ll fo rms fo r w ithdrawal. and is in good standing at the time. A student who withdraws unoffic iall y, that is, has not compl eted the proper fo rms supplied by the Registrar's Office, will not receive a refund of any portion of hi s tuition o r fees, and wi ll rece ive a g rade o f "UW" in each course. If he has no financ ial obligati ons to the co ll ege, a transcript of his wo rk will be se nt to ano ther schoo l upon request. Classification of Students A student 's c lass ificati on is determined at the beginning of each semester according to the fol lowing plan: Freshman 26 units or less Sophomore 27-56 units Junior 57-95 units Senior 96 units o r more Transfer No student will be permitted to transfer more than 70 units of credit from a j un ior co ll ege. No upper division cred it can be a llowed for courses taken in a junior co ll ege. · Attendance Regular c lass attendance is expec ted of a ll students. C lasses are conducted in a manner that wi ll e nco urage academi c exce ll e nce and the growt h of Chri sti an character . Because of the tremendou s var iety of c lass size and purpose. specific req uirements in attendance, the f inal author ity for a ttendance, and any effect that it might have upon grades rest with the individual faculty member. The s pecific rules fo r each class are to be made clear at the first session . Pre-Registration Pre-registration for the fa ll semester is held each year dur ing the month of May, and for the spri ng semester in the month of December. A ll students are required to pre-reg ister if they plan to return to
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