schoo l the nex t semes ter. Failure to pre- register will mean filing an application for re-adm iss ion (fee $5) if the individual plan s to enroll for the nex t semester. GRADES Qua lity of course work is graded on the following scale: A indicates excellent wo rk; B, good; C, sati sfac tory; D, below average, pass; and F, Failure. Asystem of grade point s is used to determine a student 's general average or standing. Grade points are ass igned to grades as fo ll ows: A, 4 grade points; B, 3 point s; C, 2 points; D. I point; F, 0 points. A --w-- indicates an official withdrawal from a course and does not affect the student's grade point average. A "'UW"' indicates an unoffic ial withdrawal. Students who register but do not attend classes are automati ca ll y given the grade of '"UW"' which will innuence the grade average the same as an F. Spec ial Note: Full-time enro llment (co111plering twelve unit s each semester) is required of the following stud en ts: internationals , ve terans receiving full benefit s, students rece iving soc ial sec urit y benefits, and all students receiving financial aid of any kind. When dropping classes student s must be aware that they are required to co111p!ere twelve units of credit. The grad e point average of a student is obtained by dividing the total number of unit s attempted at Biola Co ll ege into the total number of grade point s obtained at Biola Co ll ege. To graduate, a student must have at least twi ce as many grade points as units in the total cred it value of al l courses undert aken by him , and a 2.00 grade point average in the major field. A student will be permitted to repeat a course in whi ch he has received either an F or a D grade. The better grade will be the onl y one used in computing the cumulative grade point average at Biola Co ll ege . The units wi ll be counted on ly once. Grade reports will be issued to students from the Reg istrar 's Office. Academic Standards Whi le a grade of Di s accepted as a passing grade in a single course. such qu ality of wo rk in general is at no point a criter ion of progress from leve l to leve l. A minimum average grade of C is necessary to graduate. Sti ll hi gher minimums are required before adm iss ion to st ud ent teaching. Student s who transfer units from other institutions must maintain an average grade of C in all wo rk completed at Bio la Co ll ege as a requirement for grad uation. and an average grade ofC in all work presented for a degree, as well as all wo rk in the major field. Acade111ic Probario11 : Any student whose cumul ati ve scholarship average in Biola College falls below C (2.0) will be placed on academic probation. Probation indicates a period of trial , and the student must achieve better than a 2.0 average the subsequent semester or face the possibility of being disqualified. A student is req uired to drop all non- academ ic schoo l activities, and the academic load wi ll be restricted during thi s period of probat ion . Arnde111ic Dismissal: A student may be disqualified at any time if hi s grades are very low in one semester or if he has not achieved minimum grades for two success ive semesters. A stud ent who is consid ered for dismissal may be all owed to co ntinue on strict probation as determined by the Academ ic Standards Committee. A disqualified student may appl y for readmissi on only after a full year has elapsed. After one year. he may appl y for readmiss ion on ly if ev idence is given wh ich indicates that chances for scho last ic success are good . A student who has bee n twice di squalified may not be readmitted.
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