Academic Load The minimum ful l-time load is twe lve units . A stude nt who is on scho las tic probation may be limited to twe lve units o r less depe nding upon hi s grade po int average . A minimum o fte n units must be take n by those li v ing on campus . A unit o f c redit is generall y considered to co ns ist of o ne c lass hour (50 minutes) a week fo r a semes te r. In physica l educ ati on ac ti viti es. labo ratory sess ions, and in a few o the r insta nces , a unit o f c redit may in vo lve mo re than o ne c lass peri od a week. Gene ral ly a student is Iimited to seventeen units o f c lass room work a semes te r. After the first semes ter a student with a grade po int average o f B may petiti on the Reg istrar to carry mo re than seventee n units . In no case will a student be perm itted to carry mo re than twe nty units each semeste r. School Honors Students compl eting their course with a g rade po int ave rage o f 3.25 are graduated C um Laude . Stud ents with a 3 .5 average are gradu ated Mag na Cum Laude. Students with a 3.85 average are graduated Summa Cum Laude . Each year e lec ti ons to membership in the Bio la Chapt er o f De lta Eps il on Chi Honor Soc ie ty are made from the membe rs o f the graduating c lass who have a scho las ti c average of 3 .5 or be tte r th roughout the ir co urse. The De lta Epsilon Chi Ho no r Soc ie ty was es tabli shed to g ive recogniti on to hi gh scho las ti c att a inment in Christi an co ll eges and Bibl e In stitutes . Extracurricular Activities A ll groups o r indi v iduals who represent the Co ll ege must manifest sa ti s fac to ry sta nding as to app licati on , cooperat ion. spiritu al li fe. and scho las ti c a tta inme nt (the overa ll g rade point average, as we ll as the average fo r the preceding semester , must be C), and must be approved by the facul ty. Pre-Professional Courses Many leading ed uca to rs in the profess iona l fi e lds recogni ze that a li beral art s curric ulum pro vides the most suitabl e unde rgraduate preparati on . The sa ti sfac to ry compl eti on o f the courses required o f all students during the ir first two years in a tte nd ance at Bi o la Co ll ege prov ides much o f the necessary bac kground. Bio la Co ll ege offers courses whi ch se rve as found ati o na l mate ria l fo r several o f the pro fess ions. The re are cert a in bas ic courses in natura l sc ience, language , and soc ial sc ience whi ch are req uired by mos t profess ional schoo ls. To be sure that the proper courses are se lec ted . the student should seek in fo rmati on from the profess iona l schoo l o f hi s cho ice . Pre-Medical: In additi on to the ge neral courses a student inte rested in e nte ring the medi ca l fi e ld should take courses in bi o logy , chem istry . ph ys ics , and mathematics. See the Bio log ical Sc ie nce or Phys ical Sc ie nce maj o rs fo r spec if ic recommend ati o ns and requirement s . Pre-Legal: In addition to the ge nera l courses a stude nt inte rested in e nte ring the fi e ld o f law should take courses in mode rn languages, po liti cal sc ience, eco nomics , Ame rican history and governme nt , a nd re lated subj ec ts . Pre-Seminary : Bio la Co ll ege prov ides an exce ll ent backg round in undergradu ate educati on for semina ry training. The general ed ucati on requireme nt s . the Bi ble req uirement s . and majo r fi e ld requireme nt s in the ir tota l sco pe meet the the requirement s fo r admi ss io n int o seminary . The pre-seminary stude nt should chec k hi s program at Bio la Co ll ege with the requirement s o f the parti c ul ar seminary he pl ans to ente r.
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