3 units 3 units
202 New Testament Literature II 300 Earl y Chri stian History-Ac ts
Biblical Foundations
3 units 3 units 3 units
God, Chri st , and the Ho ly Spir it
Man, Sin. and Sa lvati on
o r Bible 302 Romans
3 units 3 units
407 The Church , Dispe nsations , and Future Things
Electives in Bible o r Doctrine 3 units Note: Students who se lec t a liberal arts major may count onl y a total of 30 units of Bible and Doctrine toward the required units fo r a degree. Any liberal arts major may also take as e lec tives a max imum of s ix units in Chri st ian Ed ucat ion and/or Missions. The maximum limit for recognized co rrespo ndence courses in Bible is s ix units . Part -time students (less than 12 units per semeste r) are required to inc lude at leas t one Bible or doctrine cour e within each 15 unit s completed at Biola Co ll ege unless the 30 unit Bible requirement has been met. Part-time students seek ing a degree from Biola Co ll ege must complete the en tire Bible and doctrine requiremen t as outlined above. General Education Requirement It is the purpose of the general ed ucat ion req uirement to introduce the student to areas of stud y that mature the mind , ope n new vistas of apprec iati on a nd underst and in g , enr ich socia l relationships. and develop sk ill s and aptitudes that can a id the student in furthering hi s personal a nd soc ia l usefu lness. S ince it is the purpose of a liberal arts ed ucati on to c rea te a broad base upon which to build one's continuing educat ion , the stude nt is allowed to se lec t from the fo ll owi ng courses to bui ld hi s own base in the liberal arts. The courses that meet the gene ral ed ucat ion requirement are the fo ll owing: COMMUNICAT IONS Any performance course in communi cati o ns (s peech) fulfills the genera l education requirement. This includes 10 I , I05 , 144, and 2 12 . Permiss ion of the instruc tor is required for a ny o the r course to meet the general educat ion req uirement. J ENGLISH 6 uni ts * 110 Studies in Criticism and Compos iti on
*A grade of A in eit her I JOA or I JOB exempts the student from taking the other semes ter and compl etes the requirement. FINE ARTS Any one of the fo ll ow ing courses wi ll meet thi s requirement: I00 Art Int rod uct ion, IOI Introduction of Music, or 450 Advanced Studies in Literature Drama (w ith co nsent )
3 units
FOREIGN LANGUAGE The graduati on req uirement in fo re ign language depends upon the major se lec ted. The abso lute minimum is one semester of fo ur units (or two years of the same hi gh schoo l language). Most students must complete course work wh ich will take them through the first semester of a second year in a language (twe lve units). Those wit h four years of the same high schoo l language have comp leted this requirement. Students who have had a fo re ign language in hi gh schoo l and wish to co ntinue the same language in co ll ege shoul d consult with the fo re ign language department for prope r placement. Inte rnational student s fo r whom Eng li sh is a second language need not take a fo re ign language.
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