HISTORY (or alternate with consent of Hi story Department) 101 and/or 102 World C ivili zati on options for IO I : 30 I , 302, 303 , 305, 3 I I , 3 I 3, 32 1 options for I02: 306, 3 11 , 3 14 or 3 units from Economics 20 I . 202 if o nl y 3 units of World C ivilization is taken:
12 units
6 unit s
205, 206 United States History
6 units
options for 205 : 307 , 308, 309, 401 opti ons for 206: 40 I , 402 , 403.
3 units
250 Introduc tory Studies in Literature or one of the following: (with consent of department) 360, 370, 440 , 450, or fo re ign language literature PHILOSOPHY
3 units
Any one of the following will meet thi s requirement: I02 Logic
303 Modern Philosoph y
305 Ethi cs
202 Introduc ti on to Philosophy 30 I Greek and Roman Phil osophy
4 semes te rs
Physica l Education (Ac tivity) P.E. Orientation is mandatory for freshmen . Exempt if 2 1 upon e ntrance. (See page I03 for complete informati on on Physical Education) PSYCHOLOGY (or altern ate)
3 units
Psychology 204 or 205; or Sociology 202 or Anthropology 30 I or 303
SCIENCE/MATHEMATICS A minimum of e ight units is required in sc ie nce and/o r mathematical sciences. Biology JOO with I 10, and Physica l Science IO I have both been designed for the student with a limited background in sc ie nce. Those with a stron g background may choose o the r cou rses with guidance from the division and/or by qua! ifying through proficiency testing in biology, chemistry, or mathemati cal sc iences . Options: Bio logy 100, I 10 , 111, 120, 130 , 152, 202. 22 1, 222, 242 , 252, 352 Chem istry I03, I05 Mathematical Sciences (any course offered at Biola) Physical Science IOI , 103, 11 0 Business Mathmatics 19 1 Geography 30 I
ELECTIVES No rmall y a student has cons iderabl e freedom in the choice of e lec ti ves in addition to the Bibl e, general ed ucat ion , and major requirements. However , in addit ion to the note given at the encl of the Bible Requirements, the non-musi c maj or is limited to a max imum of e ight units of c red it in app li ed music (including e nsembles).
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