Student Ministry and Character Each full -time student is ass igned some fo rm o f prac ti cal S tudent Minis try each semester . Thes as signments are req uired fo r graduati on . In additi on to rece iving sati sfac to ry scho las ti c rating in a ll required courses. a student is ex pec ted t g ive sati sfac to ry ev idence o f genuine Christi an charac ter and soundness of doc trine, and have met a f inanci al obligati o ns to be e lig ibl e for a degree . Da il y chape l (atte ndance requ ir ed) has fo r it s purpose the deepe ning of the student 's spiritua l li fe Through a varie ty of Chri sti an speakers and programs the student is made aware of the purposes an program o f e vange lical Christia nity throughou't the world .
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