Financial Information
Biola Co ll ege seeks to prov id e a quality educat ion for all its students at the most reasonabl e cos t poss ibl e . As a pri vate , non-pro fit instituti on, Bio la Co ll ege rece ives no support from taxes or other public fund s . Tuition charges paid by the students do not cover the costs of providing a quality educati on. Consequentl y, eve ry student who attends Bio la Co ll ege rece ives a substanti al subsidy, made poss ibl e by the g ifts of alumni , indi vidual fr iends , interes ted churches , and in a few cases , businesses and corporati ons . The expenses of students at Bio la Co ll ege are shown in the fo ll owing sched ul es . The co ll ege reserves the right to change all student charges , modify its services , or change its programs should economic conditi ons or nati onal emergency make it necessary to do so.
TUITION Each semes ter $ 1,023 .00 ( 12 un its or more each semester) (Inc ludes A.S.B . fee) From one through eleven units per se1i1ester per unit. Mas ter of Arts , Chri stian Schoo l Admini strati on (per unit)
(year) $2,046 .00
85 .00 75 .00
. . ... .. . ... $
ROOM AND BOARD 1st semester-room: $275. 00 board $375 .00 2nd semester-room: $225 .00 board $375. 00
(year) $ 1,250. 00
SPECIAL FEES (in additi on to the above tuiti on, onl y as applicabl e to the indi vidual student each semes ter) Late Reg istrati on-First Week ...... .. .. ... . . .. .. . .. .... .. .. . $ 5 .00 - Second Week .. ... . . ... . . .. . .. .. .. .. .... . 10 .00 Auditing Fee, Per Unit . 20 .00 Change of Class Schedul e. .... .... ... .. .. ... .. . 2. 00 Laboratory Fees . . . .. .... ....... . . . . . . $ I 0 .00--- 15 .00 Student Teaching Fee (each unit ) ... .... .. .. .. . ... ... .. .. .... 5 .00 * Acc ident and Medical Insurance ( 12 mo nths-$5, 000 max imum).... .. .. .. .. .... .. . 26 .00 t Parking Fee .. ...... .......... ........ ...... .......... .... .. . .. ... .. .. ... ....... .. 10.00 Transc ript Fee (for each copy after the firs t) .... .. ......... .. .. 1. 00 P. E . Fee ( 100 level---0ff campus) ...... .. 20.00 P .E.Fee (200 level- activity) .... ............ .. 15. 00 P .E. Fee-all other ac tivity courses (includ ing 30 1, 302) 8 .00 P. E. Fee (scuba) ..... .. .. ....... 30. 00 *Required of all students with more than 6 units and who do not fil e a " Certification of Insurance Coverage" at the time of registration . Al so required of all students parti c ipating in or practic ing fo r inter- coll egiate spo rts ($5.00 yearl y fee for add itional athl eti c coverage up to $25,000. 00) t Pro-rated for part-time students.
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