MUSIC FEES Individual Instruction, per semester for Music Majors One Un it (one half-hour lesso n a week) . . . . .
. ..... . .. . . . . . . ... . . .. .
.... $ 70 .00
Two Uni ts (two half-hour lessons a week) .
130.00 80.00 50.00 25.00
Per unit charge-Non-music majors ..... .. ................ . . . ..... . . . . . . .
Electronic Piano Lab Instruction Fee (per c lass) ........ ........ ....... ... .... .. . . ..... .
C lass Instruction (vo ice, organ , guitar, etc.).. .
. .............. .
Junior and Sen ior App lied Music Majors tak ing three units of their principal instrumen t will be charged the two unit fee. Required Practice Room Fees per semester for Music Majors One Unit (7 hours per week). . ............ . . . Two Units ( 14 hours per week) .... . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . ...... . . . . . .
$ 10.00
17.00 24 .00
Three Units (2 1 hours per week)
Add iti onal week ly practice room hours are usually avai lab le at nominal extra cost. Required Pract ice Room Fee per semester fo r no n-mus ic majo rs (7 hours per week).
$ 12 .00
Recital Hall
One hour a week. 7.50 For intermediate or advanced organ st ud ents, and piano majors, and/o r st ud ents presenting a Junior or Senior Recital during the semester. (The Co llege has the fo ll ow ing organs: a twenty-s ix rank three-manual Schantz, a twe lve rank two-manual tracker, a two-manu a l Rogers I 10, and two, two-manual Rogers 75. TYPICAL COST The average charges for a student li ving on campus fo r one schoo l year (2 semes te rs) mi ght appear as fo ll ows : Tuition $2,046.00 Room and Board I ,250.00 Vehicle Registration 20.00 In surance 52.00 Books and Supplies (est imated) $ 150.00 $3,5 18.00 PAYMENT OPTIONS Cos ts of tuiti on, room and board, and specia l fees may be paid in one of the fo llow ing ways: I . Payment for each semester on or before the clay of fall or spring registration. 2. Down Payments: A clown payment of $650. each se111ester for student s Iiving o n campus and $400. each semester for off campus students is req uired. 3. Deferred Payments : The ba lance of the student 's account after the down payment is payable in 3 payments (Oct.-Dec.) for the fall semester a nd 3 payments (Mar.-May) fo r the spring semester. A fin ance charge of I% per month of the unpaid balance at each bi! Iing is added for carrying the account. All payments are due on or before the 25t h of the month as indicated in the billing summary .
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