
LATE CHARGES Payme nts not rece ived by the 15th of the mo nth fo ll owing the date the payment was due, are subjec t to an additi onal 1/2% pe r day late charge up to te n days or a max imum of $5 .00. Thi s late charge is based o n the amount late and is in additi o n to any service charge due on the unpai d balance. T ransc ript s and dipl omas may be w ithhe ld if a student has fin anc ia l obligati ons to the co ll ege . All payments to a student' s account afte r enro llment should be addressed as fo ll ows: Bio la Co ll ege Accounting Department I3800 Bio la Avenue La Mi rad a, Ca li forn ia 90639 In additi on , to whom the payment is to be cred ited must be c learl y stated. All stude nt s antic ipating a need for financ ia l ass istance ( loans. grants and scho lars hips) must a rrange for the ir parents to fil e the Pare nt s' Confide nti a l S tatement w ith Co ll ege Scho lars hip Service as ex plained o n page 38 . Applicati ons fo r f inanc ia l aid wi ll not be processed until thi s sta teme nt has been rece ived by Biola Co ll ege. THE DEA DLINE FOR ALL APPLICATIONS FOR ALL TYPES OF FINA NCIAL ASSISTANCE IS APRIL I . A student is not reg istered and cannot attend classes until satisfactory f inancial arrangemen ts have been made with the Office of Studen t Financial Services. REFUNDS In asmuch as fac ulty engagement s and o the r commitme nts are made by the co ll ege fo r the e ntire year in ad vance, the fo ll ow ing refund schedul e has been es tabli shed in order that the co ll ege and the student may share the loss equitabl y whe n it is necessary for a student to withd raw from schoo l: Withdrawa l within the firs t two wee ks of c lasses . I. T uition-full amount , less $50.00 (Students with six or fewer units, $25 .00) 2 . Board- pro-rated as of end of week in whi ch mea l ti cke t is turned in to cashi e r. 3 . Room- pro-rated as of the end of month in whi ch stude nt w ithd raws. Withd rawa l afte r the second week and befo re the end o f the e ighth week of c lasses: I. Tuiti on- prorated as of e nd of week in whi ch student w ithdraws.

2. Board-same as above. 3 . Room-same as above. Withd rawa l after e ighth week of classes : I. Tuitio n- no refund.

2. Board-same as above . 3 . Room-same as above .

Tuiti on refunds fo r c lass changes (whe re appli cabl e) will be made in the same manner as refund s fo r withd rawa ls (i.e.-full refund within first two weeks of c lasses and pro-rated refun d afte r seco nd week until end o f e ighth week) . All refunds must be requested by properl y comp leting and submitting a Departure Card, the o ffi c ial withd rawa l date dete rm ining the amount o f refund. Laboratory and ac ti vit y fees a re refund ab le onl y if withdrawal is on or befo re the fina l date of late reg istrat ion . Mus ic Fees are fo r prviate mus ic lessons and are refundabl e in the same manner as tu ition , except no refun d after the 6th week.


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